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If someone asked me what I remember of last night, I would kindly tell them to fuck off and get me some Tylenol. And that's exactly what I said to Marco. I look around to where I had ended up. We were both barefooted at the beach, lying on the sand. Some memories of last night played in my head. The drinking, the dancing, the kissing.... wait, wait, wait, did I just said kissing? I kissed Marco, Marco kissed me, we kissed???!!!

I quickly stood up and fixed my hair, it was full of sand and the hair spray that I had applied last night was now the one thing gluing the sand to my hair.  I look up, and Marco was giving me a hand. 

"I guess now I can saying I partied with The Emily Evans," he joked. "Rough night?" he asks as he's looking at me, picking sand and sticks from my hair. 

"Nothing that a deep shampoo can fix!" I smirked. "Did we...?"

"Kiss?" he asked, trying to hide his smile, " You wished. You did make out with a statue in the park, though."

My cheeks turned red with his comment, and all I could do at that moment is laugh. " I gotta go home, but I have to clean up first. Please tell me your place is nearby."

"You're in luck, parents are out of town for the week, and our house is a five-minute walk."

"So you're telling me that instead of taking me to your home where you have a cozy bed and food, you brought me to the beach where I have sand literally glued to my hair?" I asked dramatically. 

"Didn't want to take you to the bedroom on our first date."

"First date? And who told you that this was a date?" I asked, shocked at his response. 

"Well, you didn't deny it." 

I laughed, but at the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I had just spent a night with another guy, and I was with Noah. But soon after his name popped up into my head, so did the pregnant girl walking towards him with a picture of their baby. Maybe I should've waited out, maybe there was an explanation, and she got the wrong guy, or it was a prank.  A part of me felt like things could still turn around for Noah and me. 



Noah had finished telling me what happened last night and I was shocked. He promised he would never do such a horrible thing to my sister, and I believed him. But I was still shocked. I told him I could help him find the girl again and track down where this lie was coming from. We said goodbye on the phone with a promise that he would meet me back at my house in 10 minutes. We had our family lunch today anyway, and my dad wanted the Flynn's to come to our house. He had ordered some seafood that was going to get delivered soon. 

"Why are the police leaving?" I asked my dad, who was now cleaning up the rest of breakfast we never finished. 

"Your sister finally reached out to me. She said she forgot to tell me that she and some friends from work were going to a beach house yesterday. She's been there since", he explained. 

"Really?" I asked, knowing that was a lie. My dad nodded, and I left it like that. I did not want my sister to get in much more trouble. I checked my phone to see if she texted me, but nothing. However, I did have a special message waiting to be open. It was from this guy I had met a bit ago, and he was a bit older, my sister's age. He was tall, tanned, and handsome, everything I needed to get over my childhood crush on Noah. We had been talking for a bit and only officially met once. I might have described how much of a snack he was to the whole school without knowing. Lee and Rachel approved and told me to go for it. So we have been talking and joking around for the past month.

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