The first kill

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Nina Dobrev is leaving vampire diaries😭😭😭. I'm so sad, that means Katherine isn't coming back. 😭😭😭😭😭 she's my favorite character.


Just keep reading.


Mrs. Flowers took care of me the whole day. She finished washing my sheets and put them back on the bed. She also made sure I was drinking enough water, and taking my pills. Which I hated. Mrs. Flowers even went to store and got me more tomato soup, that made me love her more and made up for the pills.

I didn't throw up anymore after taking my pills and drinking water. Even if I hated water, but it was better then throwing up my stomach.

Around 10 o'clock, I was already in bed. Mrs. Flowers told me I should go to bed, but I wanted to wait for my mother. She understood and left my room.

I just continued flipping threw channels on the TV, and soon grew tried. I screamed at myself, to stay up just a little bit longer. After that, I got up and went to get a Coke to keep me up.

About an hour later, there was still no sign of Katherine. I sighed and gave up. She lied to me, and broke my promise. Just like normal. I threw away my can, and climbed back into bed. I turned off the TV, and rested my head on the pillow. Until I heard the front door slam shut.

"Shit!" I heard my mother whisper, but it was loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled, and I knew she heard me. It took her a while before she I could hear her footsteps came closer to my room. Mom opened the door. "Faith, what are you doing still up?" She asked me, after closing the door behind her.

"I wanted to wait for you, you promised." I answered.

She sighed and came over to me. Katherine sat down on the edge on the bed. "I'm sorry, I got carried away." My mother paused, "...But, I found something." She pulled out her purse and opened it. Katherine reached in and pulled out my bracelet.

I smiled and took it from her, because I knew it was hurting her. I placed it on my wrist and locked it. Next, my mother took my hand and held it. She smiled, "You know, you're the best daughter ever."

"I'm your only daughter, Mom." I pointed out.

Mom chuckled, "I know... How are you feeling? Mrs. Flowers said you haven't thrown up at all after I left."

I shook my head, "Nope, not once. And, I've even been drinking water."

Katherine smiled, "Good girl." She paused and her smiled turn into a smirked. "I found out some stuff about Elena."

I smirked as well, "Well, tell me!"

"I really don't think you want to hear it, Faith. Except I know when I'm going to kill her." She answered.

I got uncomfortable about the topic. "I guess that good."

Katherine looked at me confused, "Isn't that what you want? To get back at her for hurting you?" She questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I mean yeah, but not like this."

My mother glared at me and got off the bed, "Well, I'm killing her whether you want it or not. She deserves this." She lend forward and kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep, Faith." She whispered and went towards the door.

"Night, Mom." I called out to her.

Mom opened the door and looked back at me. "Goodnight." After that she left the room.


It was the first day of kindergarten, and my nanny, Mrs. Trenton had to take me to school. Mommy was still gone, but she promised she would be home before my first day. I refused to get out of the bed, or let Mrs. Trenton change me, or even let her do my hair. I wanted to wait for my Mommy.

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