"Ans elxim ro Atlantis, viech!"


"Ow! Xibk!"

Yeah, hold on. Turn on the translator. That was such a random language.

"Tommy, you fucking idiot. Come on and hurry up before your big brother dies of starvation." Philza scolds the little gremlin mermaid. "Oh for fuck sake. He can go on a day without food, dad! He's not gonna die in 2 seconds!" Tommy grumbles and munch on a fish. Phil rolls his eyes and gives a fish to Tubbo. Tubbo happily munches the fish and even munch the bones. "You know why your brother needed more than the normal."

"Yeah, yeah."

On their way to the island, Tommy keeps on talking and Tubbo causing trouble, instead of getting chased they're chasing sharks, hunting them down and dragging one along on their way. Philza moves the boulder aside and let the children in first before going in after them. "Hi dadza!" Wilbur waves his hand rapidly and helping him carry the food out the water. "How is Techno?"

"He's still hibernating but I think he's gonna be up by midnight or tomorrow morning." Wilbur shrugs and emerge from the water. He gets up on the boulder and takes the basket of fishes on dry land. Ranboo drags it and transfers it to another basket. "Should be enough." Wilbur puts on his robe and helps Philza out the water. A dark green tail immediately turned into a pair of legs, wobbling a bit on its transformation.

"Thank you." Tommy tosses a robe at Phil and moves on to wait on the cart.

Phil sits down on the bench beside Tubbo and sighs. "Are we ready?" Ranboo nods and pats the horse to move on. "Oh dear. Ugh." Tommy groans and leans on Wilbur. "Damn, Tommy. You should be getting used to this already."

"Well I'm not always on land, Wilbur-!" Tommy gags and hangs his head on the side, spitting saliva occasionally. Wilbur sighs and pats his little brother's back, though that might have been a bad decision as the gremlin child threw up on the wheels. "Ugh! Tommy!" Philza laughs and Wilbur looks at him with disgust. Ranboo stops the cart and looks behind him to see Tommy getting off the cart and continue on the bush. "We're definitely gonna take a while to get there."


When the family arrived at the heart of the island, the pink haired siren was already awake and looking around the cave with curious eyes, blinking black orbs with the stars reflected on it. The only source of light coming from the hole above, almost a perfect circle. Their face sprinkled with light pink scales, trailing to the back of their ears to the neck and end on the tail bone, spikes sleeping, relaxed as there are no threats around. "Oh, Techno!" Phil calls and the siren turns its head to the voice. It purrs and pulls half of their body out the water and lay on the land.

"Huh, I must have read incorrectly." Wilbur says, looking at the hand-made time teller on the wall.

Phil giggles and gently pats Techno's head. "Hey mate. We've brought food for you! It's your favorite." Techno's ears perk up and his tiny wings flap in excitement. It's been two weeks he's asleep so to hear about food, especially his favorite, is a blessing. Especially that comes from his family!

Ranboo helps Tubbo dump the basket of fish on the water and they watch Techno dive down in the water, catching fishes that managed to stay alive for so long and munch on them to their bones.

Phil chuckles and sits on the ground, waiting for Techno to finish. "I'm gonna go sleep." Tommy announces and leaves the cave to sleep on the hammock near by the entrance. Tubbo follows behind him with Ranboo on his side. Wilbur joins Philza and scratch the ground with a stick. Techno's head poke out the water with a fish on his mouth.

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