Then something exploded behind both of you, making Yuki jolt in shock.

Her grip on the bowl loosened, resulting in her almost dropping it on the tins and make a mess. Abandoning your duty, you immediately bolted behind her and held her by the hands, strengthening her grip.

"Ah, shit." A string of curses left your lips as your heart began beating fast. Yuki shuddered as she calmed down. You helped her put the bowl back down on the counter. Your eye twitched. "How the hell did someone manage to make an oven explode...?"

A teacher grabbed out a fire extinguisher from who knows where and put out the fire as you two deadpanned. She then wiped her non-existent sweat and beamed at the students watching. With a bright grin, she shouted. "Just a small gas leak. Nothing to worry about, students. Now go ahead and continue working!"

Just about everyone apart from you and Yuki had done as she told and continued working nonchalantly. The two students who had started the fire stood up, patting their laps for imaginary dust. They began cleaning up, ignoring the charred remains near the oven.

"...What did I just witness?"

"I'm not sure if that was a glitch or what." You muttered under your breath. Only now had Yuki noticed that neither of you had moved from your previous spots.

Her back was making contact with your chest, your arms stretched, almost like you were hugging her from the back. Her hands were still being held by you, even as the bowl had already been set down.

Only now had she fully processed how close you were. Her face bloomed in a vibrant color of red.

'Too close!' She could only cry out mentally. As her body began heating up, it eventually notified you. You released you hold on her hands and backed away a bit. "Oh, my bad."

You tilted you head to peer at her flustered form. You could only laugh at her as she seemed to have completely lost the ability to function. "You're looking a bit sick there, Yuki. Should I take you to the infirmary?"

At the smug smirk on your lips, she resisted the urge to punch you by the shoulder. She huffed. "You're an ass, you know that?"

"Uh huh. Whateeever you say." You waved her odd as you walked back to your previous spot. You switched on the electric mixer and began working, as if nothing had just happened. Though, a smile remained on your face.

Yuki can only sigh at your demeanor, expression switching into a fond look as she gazed at you. She turned away.


"Whadd'ya think?" Yuki took a bite out of the pastry, eyes trained onto you as she waited for a response. You hummed, taking a cupcake from the tray. The two of you had just finished decorating them.

As you bit into it, you couldn't avoid getting icing on the sides of your mouth. You frowned, but shrugged it off. "Aside from the monstrosity of frosting, it's not bad."

Yuki laughed, taking a tissue from the side of the table. "Hold still."

Your head snapped to look at her in confusion, only to see her holding the tissue. You did as she asked and waited as she carefully wiped away the icing. She crumpled it into a ball and tossed it onto a nearby trash can. You smiled at her. "Thanks."

Luck!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz