Mysteries and Miseries

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There he is.. Sitting right in the first row. How can he be this smart. Miss Molly just asked some questions and he's been answering all of them. How? ... He's a genius.. A handsome genius.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when miss Molly asked me the answer to a question.

Great.. Nothing could be even better... How the heck would I know the answer. I just kept quiet until the teacher asked another student to answer. I sighed in relief.

It's not as if I suck at studies okayyy... It's just maths.. I hate it... Hate it too much to take interest in this stupid class.

I looked at the clock and counted the last three seconds.


And that's how the most terrible moment in my life finally gets over. I take another look to the handsome guy and fuck ! He caught me.I was quick to change my gaze but he surprisingly chuckled.

First should I introduce myself? Well then.. Laura Jacob. That's who I am. A 14 year old middle school student. Everything is going fine... I have a crush.. You guessed it right.

"Jhonsen" I have always liked him. Since kindergarten maybe. I don't know as long as we both are studying together. He has a best buddy Mikey who likes my best friend Nicole and she does the same. So we kinda get time to hang out with each other.

We are all young for these feelings aren't we but you can't help falling in love can you?

Feelings are mutual.. And some people are lucky unlike me....


The whole day passes the same everyday. I live with my aunt and uncle who sometimes I think find me as a burden. They feed me. They buy me clothes. They even handle my studies but that's just so mom wouldn't have to worry... She lives with her very own family "a perfect family" grandnana would say. She, her husband and her daughter. My dad was a poor man and got into gambling so my mother had to leave him but as soon as my mother got divorced, my Nana forced her to marry another man. I was young and adopted by my mother's brother . My uncle. I don't get it. What the hell have I even done to suffer Stern behaviour from my uncle and aunt.

After school I came home, greeted good noon and rushed to my room. I turned on the music and started dancing. The only thing that comforts me. I love to dance. After a heavy practice I got into the shower all exhausted. I faced myself in the mirror.

"Laura? Who?"

I am a lost season barely fitting in the winters, I am a lost gem barely fitting in the pearls.

I finished washing up wore my PJ's and got into my comforter. My bed's always warm enough to embrace me . I thought about Johnsen before dozing off to a deep noon nap.

I didn't eat, no one bothered to ask. I didn't care nor someone else did. I didn't even want to wake from my pleasant dream land. Just a nice sweet simple life and this? Huh? This life just sucks.

It wasn't late until I heard thuds at my door and woke up anyways.

"Laura wake up for God sake! I am not going to wait for you to eat!! It's dinner time get yourself here or sleep hungry! "

I heard my aunt screaming in exhaustion and I just answered in a "alright".

Our dinner was as usual full of taunts and hatred. Uncle asked about my maths grades in the recent test. I stuttered at first but then lied with some made-up average marks. He warned me again. He said

"listen girl we ain't gonna bare you forever, whenever we ask you to leave only these studies will help you so get your mind out of fuss and focus on the shit in your class."

" I understand dear uncle " I nodded.

After finishing washing dishes, I sat down to do my homework. Maths. Fuck me.

I didn't get anything. I didn't know how to start and where to finish until my phone rang. Nicole? At this time?

"Yup nic ?"

"what's up Laura "

"nothing interesting"

"ahm actually I have a.. Kind of... You know? Good news for you"

" spit it... I have maths to do.. "

"It's Jhonsen's birthday tomorrow.. He is just doing a small celebration at the cafeteria and-"

"and? "

"he wants you to come too "

That's it. Those words were enough for me to do anything at that spot for anyone. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I kinda hesitated to say yes so I kept quiet wanting Nicole to understand... She always doubts me and Jhonsen.

"looks like someone's hot pink? "

"shut up nic.. Ok I'll- I don't know "

"okay that means you are coming great.. See ya tomorrow bestie "

"I chuckled before she hangs up"

Fuck maths I'm gonna spend this night designing a gift. So I did. First I didn't know what to do but then I thought about writing a poem for him and giving him a card.

I suck at literal everything but words. They are my thing. I started writing a poetry and ended up writing a love letter.

Holy crap.

I started again and finally finished with a sweet poem.

I didn't even know why I wrote something like that but it just felt so right. Now I don't really care what he'll think about me after this. What if he hates me? But as long as I have waited to do something for him I'm eager to give it and risk it.

I moved forward towards my card and dropped in my art. Sketched him and added a few wishes.

That was quite enough .

I got chills reading it all and started over thinking scenarios. It wasn't late when I was crying. No matter what anyone thinks about me. I feel useless and someone with no reputation. Someone with such a bad character. I was scared. Scared he'll be disgusted, disappointed or even can hate me right?

Without giving it a second thought... I went straight to the roof top not forgetting my daily cup of tea . I sat down right under the moonlight. I sipped my tea and sniffed my worries away. I ranted to the moon. It felt calming. I felt nice. Warm.

That's when I headed back to bed and slept wishing for a better tomorrow.


To be continued...
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