"You know, this is the kind of situation where I need Sarah to tell me whether or not you're lying." She shakes her head, turning her lips into a flat line.

"Good day, what can I get for you?" the waiter asks, looking between us, as I just nod in Amber's way, putting her on the spot.

She widens her eyes in surprise, but then straightens her back and clears her throat, regaining her composure.

" 'Ello, I was just wondering if it's possible to get a cup of Lemon Balm tea?" she attempts to make an order in a British accent, catching me completely off-guard. I didn't think she'd take me seriously.

"Sure thing, what about you, sir?" the waiter asks me as I try to suppress my laughter at her horrible attempt at the accent.

"Uh, I'll just have water, thank you," I say before the waiter nods and turns away to bring us the order.

Once the waiter is out of sight, I finally let go of the laughter I kept holding in until now, resting my forehead on my hand.

"Do you think he believed me?" she speculates, looking around if the waiter is making tea or not.

"Hard to tell," I answer, and at this point, my cheeks hurt from the constant smiling and laughing.

I feel like she still has no idea I was joking.

The waiter strolls back with a cup of tea and water in both hands, surprisingly not spilling any liquid on the way here. After we've both said our thank you's, he strolls away, the sound of his roller-skates' wheels filling the space between us.

Amber takes the cup with painted prints on it and takes a sip out of the tea. "Mmm... Jolly good!" she says louder than necessary, still in an accent, making sure the waiter hears her.

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is going on inside her head.

She removes the cup from her lips, revealing a nice smile, and I swear it just lit up the room.

She looks very pretty when she smiles.

"Doesn't 'Sign of the times' premiere tomorrow?" she curiously asks, already emptying half of the cup.

"Yeah, it does," I state, as a matter-of-factly.

"Well, you should get a cake or something to celebrate, then, " she suggests, pulling out some pretzels from her mighty backpack.

"Maybe I will."

"You know, I'm really proud of you. I know a lot of people have probably said that to you by now, but I really love what you've created. Like, it's such a bold move to take a full 180 and do something completely opposite from what you've done before, but somehow it works, ya know?" she takes a sip of tea and bites down on a pretzel after her whole speech, leaving me a bit dazed.

I don't think I remember the last time someone has said they're proud of me.

I mean, apart from my mum, but everyone else has always said things about my songs and work, but never about me. Maybe I'm a bit too ego-centered, then.

"It's weird coming from you, considering you write such good songs," I return the compliment, but she just scoffs in disbelief and slightly shakes her head, not responding.

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