part one

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"Shit!" I say as i fall to the ground. Snarling. Growling. The dead. Everywhere. I reach for my knife. Nothing. It fell out of my holster when you hit the road. A walker sees me, on the ground unable to get up, i sprained my ankle. Panting, you try and crawl to ymy knife. It's getting closer.

Suddenly, a gunshot, you sigh and look who shot, my dad. He runs over to me. "Are you okay?" He looks at my ankle "oh shit-!" I laugh a bit, "yeah, stupid rock did that." "Dr Carson will fix it when we get home." I nod. He helps me up, you wince slightly, "it'll be okay y/n, we should have something to help in the truck." "Thanks dad." I smile.

As we're driving, you ask "hey, when are we going to get our stuff from the hilltop? Or the kingdom?" He looks at me quickly, trying not to lose focus on the road. "Soon, maybe tommorow, if everything's alright at home and we don't have any problems Lucile will have to fix." He chuckles, I do as well. "Hey dad?" "Yeah, sport?" "Thank you for helping me up" he smiles "Anything for my son. I'm glad you're still here bud."

We arrive home, i see the workers managing walkers from, previous inconveniences. I have a extra granola bar in my pocket, when my dad isn't looking I softly whistle to one of the workers and hand it to him. "Thank you." They whisper, I nod in reply.

I've never agreed with forcing people to work, knowing they'll most likely never move up towards one of my dad's helpers. I always treat them well, even after my dad see's me do it. He always gives me a "pep talk", I know he just wants to keep me safe but, I'm 16. I'm not a little kid anymore.

"Y/n!" I hear him yell, calling me over to get inside, "coming!" I smile at the worker and run inside, closing the door behind.

Boom done! This is fun to write, by the way, the time this is set is around season 5! So a couple more chapters of you and negan just being father and son. I like writing things like that so- heh
(383 words.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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