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Sadie Myers.

"You did what?" Korrie yelled from the bathroom, surprised at what I had told her.

I chuckled as she came out, eyes wide and drying her hair. The door then opened and Astoria walked in.

She looked around and furrowed her eyebrows at the way that Korrie looked; confused and surprised.

"Morning." I smiled, "I was just telling Korrie about what I said at the party."

Astoria smiled "Oh... When you told Theo that he was too vanilla?" She asked with a chuckle as she came and sat on my bed.

I nodded.

"Tell me you're joking?" Korrie asked, furrowing her brows.

I shook my head. "I said it straight to his face. And the other day we worked on all of our homework for the weekend. He told me he had something planned."

"Oh honey," Korrie shook her head and sat on the other side of me, looking at Astoria. And by the looks on their faces, they were thinking the same thing. "You're in for one hell of a weekend."

I furrowed my brows and looked at both of them as they stood and started to get ready. "What do you mean?"

"Are you actually that thick or are you messing around?" Astoria looked over her shoulder and gave me a look.

"Sadie..." Korrie sighed and leaned against a dresser "When you test a guy like that when they clear up a weekend because they have something planned, it's not cute dates and shit."

"Love, he's going to destroy you." Astoria butted in, a smirk appearing on her features.

I gulped.

Korrie spoke again, putting on her robe "That's why he's giving you the weekend. To fuck you hard tonight and then give you the next few days to recover."

I rested my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands.

I knew what I was signing up for, but it was just now hitting me how serious this was as the girls said it out loud.

They were right.

I was fucking done for.

And another idea popped into my mind and I stood up, going over to my dresser and grabbing my other skirt.

Astoria and Korrie looked at me then each other and back to me.

I slipped off the skirt I was in and then put on the other one. I pulled my knee-high socks up a little further and then grabbed my bag, slipping on my shoes.

"Sadie..." Astoria said, looking me up and down.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"That's the skirt you never wear." She pointed out and Korrie smiled, knowing what I was doing.

"And why don't I wear it, Astoria?" I opened the door and walked out as she spoke to Korrie.

"It's the shortest skirt she has."


I walked into transfiguration, Theo standing at Draco's desk, talking to him and Blaise. He turned his head and looked at me as I walked in, sending me a smile.

As his eyes traveled my body, he dragged his tongue on the inside of his cheek and looked down, shaking his head.

I smiled as I continued my way to my seat.

Astoria and Korrie then walked in, looking at me and shaking their heads. They knew what I was doing and so did i.

It wasn't the best idea. But yet again it was.

After a few minutes, the lesson started and Theo had sat next to me, not saying anything and keeping his jaw clenched.

I sat back in my chair and crossed my leg over the other, my skirt riding up more than it normally did.

This small movement caught Theo's attention and he turned his head, sighing under his breath.

"Why?" He asked and I looked at him, my face confused. "Why'd you wear that skirt?"

I shrugged "It was the only one I had."

"Don't lie. You have plenty of skirts and you chose that one. Why?" His eyes moved from mine and to my hand, or thigh, and watched me play with the bottom of the fabric.

I leaned in, Theo moving his head down a little. "Less fabric. Thought it'd make tonight easier." I smirked as I whispered, pulling back and grabbing my quill.

He flushed slightly and I smiled while 'dropping' my quill.

I uncrossed my legs and bent down, resting my hand on Theo's thigh for support, and picking up the feather. I could feel him tense slightly as I pulled away, whispering a small 'sorry'.

I could see him out of the corner of my eye. His jaw was clenched, along with his hand. His eyes stayed at the front of the class, acting like he was paying attention to the lesson but I knew what he was thinking.

I stayed leaned back in my chair, crossing, and uncrossing as I switched my legs. I could see Theo glance over at me every now and then, obviously fed up with what I was doing.

I did it once more and he snapped, moving his hand quickly to my thigh and gripping it. I looked over at him, his eyes still watching the Professor.

"After class, you're going to go back to your dorm and change out of that skirt." He spoke under his breath.

There was honestly nothing better than Theo acting possessive. It wasn't the healthiest thing in the world, but it was hot and showed that he did care.

"And why's that? You think you can't control yourself?" I chuckled, my finger tracing the veins in his hand.

"Oh, I know that I can't control myself." His grip on my thigh tightened and he looked at me, his lips upturned into a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, still tracing his hand. It slowly moved up further and I could feel my body grow hot and my face heat up.

But the bell rang and he let go, standing up and packing his bag.

"You can't do that" I protested, sitting up.

"Do what? Tease you? It's all part of the plan, darling." He bent down and kissed my lips softly and quickly, "See you, Myers."

And he left the classroom, leaving me flustered and burning hot.

Korrie and Astoria we're right.

I'm in for one hell of a weekend.

no one else. // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now