Episode 17: Time for Hero Names

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"Hey! It's been a while! In case you forgot or you've just been living under a rock, my name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! I live in a world where most people have superpowers called "Quirks" and being a superhero is a real job. Right now, I'm a student at UA on my way toward becoming a pro hero. I've made a lot of friends and rivals along the way, but this story's just gettin' started. You haven't seen anything yet!"

A few days or so have gone by since the conclusion of the UA Sports Festival and regular classes have now resumed. Sonic is making his way to class, speeding through the city, being recognized by a few of the passers-by. After taking first place at the festival, he's made somewhat of a name for himself around the city. After a good run, Sonic reaches a train station exit and finds Deku walking out.

Sonic: Yo Deku! Long time no see!

Deku: Sonic! What're you doing here?

Sonic: Decided to take the long route this time. Race you to school?

Deku: Oh it's on!

Since becoming friends with Sonic and fighting alongside both him and All Might, Deku has developed a lot more self-confidence, although still very much a nerdy fanboy. He's also managed to gain a little more control over One for All than before, although still very little. The two of them race through the city until they finally reach the campus grounds.

Sonic: *brakes* Oh! The Blue Blur takes victory again! And the crowd goes wild! *imitating crowd noises*

Deku: *brakes* Haha, I'll beat you next time.

Sonic: You're gonna have to be faster than that if you wanna beat me, Green Machine.

As they're laughing Iida shows up.

Sonic: Wow! Jetlegs, you're actually late for once. You're usually here before any of us.

Iida: I... guess it would appear that way... Midoriya, can I have a word with you?

Deku: Oh, sure Iida.

Sonic: I'll let you guys catch up. Meet you in class.

As Sonic leaves to find his seat, Iida explains what happened to his brother with Stain. We won't go into too much detail with that story but it's basically the same as what happens in canon. Later in class, Sonic meets up with his friends. Sonic, Kaminari, and Kirishima do a handshake that they came up with during the break.

Kirishima: Bro, you're getting mad popular from the sports festival! Check this out.

Kirishima pulls out his phone and shows him some articles and posts about Sonic. Some titles read "Newest Hero on the Block; The Blue Devil", "Who is this Speed Demon?!", "The World's Most Famous Hedgehog"

Jiro: Damn dude.

Kaminari: Man, with all that traction, you're bound to get recruited. Lucky.

As they're talking, Mr. Aizawa walks into the room, now fully healed.

Aizawa: Alright everyone, let's get down to business. Today we're gonna be doing Hero Informatics. In other words, you're all picking your code names today.


Aizawa: These are gonna be important for Pro Hero draft picks so pay attention. *he points to the board which shows the results of the draft* Remember, you're all only first years so any of these can be taken back.

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