Death Chips

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A/n: Y/O/S/N means: Yours and Okayu's Ship Name. "wwww" means laughing... I really don't know why but this is how i see the clippers caption their laughs


You have been streaming for a while now, got a decent amount of subscribers too. Your fans loved it when you do collabs with Okayu, so you decided to collab with her again.



Y/n: You ready Okayu, Subaru and Mio-senpai?

Okayu: Hai..!

Mio: *nods*

Subaru: Mhm!

Y/n:  Alright we're live in 3...2....1... Min'na ohayō!

Okayu: Ohayō..!

Mio: Ohayō min'na!

Subaru: It's starting! It's starting!

Chat: Ohayō/ Hi!

Y/n: Alright everyone, today we're gonna do your requests in chat but if we are not able to do that request with a straight face.... one of us will have to eat the spiciest chip...! Mio-senpai and Subaru-senpai will be the referees while me and Okayu-senpai will be the contestants, Mio-senpai would you like to show everyone how spicy those chips are?

Mio: I really don't want to but, service..!

*Mio then eats a chip*

Okayu: Oh God, I don't like that face your making Mio-chan...

Mio: *coughs* It's *coughs* so *coughs* spicy—

Y/n: Would you like some water Mio-senpai?

Subaru; Uh, I don't think water will help-

*Mio drinks the glass of water*

Mio: Ahhhh, yabai! Yabai! It's now spicier!!

Subaru: Ah! Mio-sha here, tea.

Okayu: Ok now I'm scared at the requests-

Y/n: Anyways, Lets start!

Subaru: 'I want Okayu to kabedon Y/n to the wall and use ikemen voice. I also want Y/n to do the same' From CocoMartinSimp.

Y/n: We can just do this normally right? Just like always?

Everyone: ....

Y/n: Haha wait no, that leads to misunderstandings-

Mio: 'Like always'?

Okayu: Mou Y/n~ Don't tell them~

Y/n: No thats not what I meant www-

Subaru: Ehhh, this is normal for you guys?

Y/n: Chigau... wwww.. What I meant was-

Okayu: We were just keeping this a secret from Mio-chan and Subaru-chan~

Y/n: No we were not-

"Hoshimachi Twins" Nekomata Okayu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now