Chapter 13

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"Head...hurt..." I said. Everything was blurry and I could not even tell where on earth I was.
"Oh, you're awake." A voice said. It sounded like the voice of the human that shot me with a gun.
"" I demanded. When I wanted answers, I got them. One way or another.
"Well, I had to get to you to Tamara somehow." He said. "You know, you slept for two days straight. I didn't think that the tranquillisers would keep you out for that long."
I did not even bother trying to pronounce the word that he just said.
"Where...other...human?" I asked.
"Tamara?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Oh." He said. "She's probably in her lab. I'll take you there."
He held out his hand.
"No...grab...hand..." I said. "You...shot...with...gun..."
"Fair enough." He said. "Just come with me."
I did so. I really hoped that he really was taking me to this Tamara person's lab and not anywhere else.

I saw him knock on the door. A few moments later, a female human who looked old but not as old as the other humans that I was with appeared. She held a Piplup in her arms. I would call it abuse but the Piplup looked happy for some reason. I did not understand that. I wouldn't want any human touching me.
"Hello AJ." She said. She didn't sound very happy.
"Hello Tamara." He said. "I brought you Fay. This is courtesy of Stephanie, your sister. Such a shame what happened to her faculty. You did hear about that, didn't you?"
"Yes." Tamara said. "I do feel bad for her but I have my own problems to deal with right now. But, since you're here, send her my condolences the next time that you see her, will you?"
"Of course." AJ said. "Anything for a woman that Alex loved."
"Don't mention his name." She snapped.
"Woah!" AJ said, shocked by Tamara's change of attitude. "What's your deal?"
"Your brother raped me." She snapped.
"He did?" AJ sounded shocked. I did not even know what rape was but I assumed it was bad. "I didn't know."
"Sure." Tamara said. "She didn't really sound convinced. "Give me Fay and leave."
"Here she is." AJ said. He gestured me towards her.
"Come with me sweetie." Tamara said. She closed the door behind her and pointed to the thing that humans called a couch. "Sit there, will you?"
I did so. Not because I was afraid but because she seemed like dangerous. Okay. Maybe I was afraid.
"You're welcome." She said.
I tilted my head in confusion.
"You're welcome from saving you from my sister." She said. "You see, I've only been pretending to care about this whole researching feral children this whole time. I lied to everyone, I even faked it in my own journal. People like me, we're shy. We don't get out much and I've only had contact with my siblings and no one else for twenty years. Well, except for a man named Alexander Smith but we will not be discussing him in any way. He's worthless."
I nodded along, letting her know that I was listening.
"I'm setting all of you free." She said. "I don't care anymore. I'm going to live with the Pokemon. Also, you can go back to your family. It's where you were meant to go."
She opened the door and pointed outside.
"Well?" She said. "Go ahead."
"" I asked.
"Why not?" She said. "It's where you belong."
"" I said as I ran towards the doorway. ""
"Yes." Tamara said. "I know that for a fact. Go to them. They're worried about you."
"" I said again.
Before I disappeared into the wild, I heard one last comment.
"I will soon be joining you Fay Jackson. I have some...unfinished business."

Raised By Pokémon {A Pokémon fanfiction} (Pokémon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now