Chapter 3

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They took everything away from me. My freedom, my home, and even my family. I swear, I’ll make them pay.

These really old humans found me when I accidentally wandered out of the woods one day. Mom and Dad tried to stop me but they never let me go out where humans lived and I wanted to see what it was like. Sure, they’ve shown me other places and we’ve traveled to different regions (That’s what the humans call me, according to my parents.) and we’ve been to this place that the humans called Hoenn which is where I’m currently at. You probably think that it’s weird that I’m not calling myself a human. Well, that’s because I’m not a human. I’m a Pikachu and my name is Pika, as my parents call me all the time. Well, all of my siblings are named Pika because my parents are no good at coming up with names.

You may also be wondering how on earth I’m speaking the way that I am now. Well, I would sneak out of the cave every night while my parents and the rest of my parents were sleeping and observe humans and their behavior. I did this every night up until the day I was kidnapped. I picked up on human speech within one hundred nights and I would repeat the words that I overheard to myself every night. Now, I speak fluent human.

I really hope that Mom and Dad aren’t worried about me. They tried to chase off the old humans that kidnapped me but I went with them because I have always wanted to see where a human lives. They always disappear into their dens when the sun goes down but very few actually stay out in the dead of night. I’m grateful for those humans because I wouldn’t be able to actually speak human the way that I do now.

While I was being taken away, I saw this not-quite-little-but-not-quite-old human who was watching me curiously. She had a brown mane and had unusual fur. Her fur was bright white and she wore these strange glass things over her eyes. I have no idea what they’re called but I’ve seen a few humans wearing them and I’ve always wondered what they are and I can’t ask Mom and Dad because they would be mad at me if they found out that I was sneaking out of the cave every night and plus, I’m being held captive by some humans right now.

My humans tried to cut my claws the other day and I had to scratch the male human on the arm just to make it clear that I did not want them cut because my claws were my weapon of defense. I needed them to kill my prey, as well. They also tried to fix my mane by using what they called a comb and I again had to use my claws to show them that I did not want them to ruin my mane. They also tried to change what they called clothes when in fact what I was wearing was my fur. I let them change my f-no-clothes because I didn’t let them cut my claws or comb my mane. I guess that you can say I was being nice to them. But that’s the only time that I’ll ever be nice to them. I don’t like it when anyone is taken away from their home. It’s just plain wrong.

They (as in the humans) keep asking me over and over again where I’m from. And this is response every single time that they ask:
I’m not so good at forming sentences. I can do it just fine in my head but when I actually speak but it comes at a jumbled mess. Oh, and you know what else the humans ask me? They ask me if I remember anything from my previous life.
“What…do…mean?” I asked, again failing at forming a sentence.
They tell me that before my Pikachu family took me in, I lived with humans. Humans. I didn’t even believe them when they first said it so I asked them if they had hit their heads on something and they said that they didn’t.

Living with humans. That is the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard. I’m not even a human. I am a Pikachu. Keyword: Pikachu. Not human.
They (my humans) told me that my name is Faith Isabella Jackson and that my nickname is Fay. And you know what I said to that?
“Name…is…Pika…Not…Fay…” is what I said to that.
They also refuse to call me Pika, which is what my actual name and not Bay or whatever they said that it was. I swear, humans are insane. I just wanna go home to my actual family now, the place where I actually belong.

I guess the only good thing about all of this, if there actually is anything good about it, is that I’m starting to learn more and more about the humans. I also learn more human terms as I’m trapped in this den of mine. For example, I learned that what I call a mane is what they call hair and what I call paws are hands and feet. They also call their hind legs just legs and those weird things were their p-no-hands lay at the bottom at are called arms. Humans are just so complicated. I’m glad that things turned out the way that they did. I don’t think that I would have turned out very good if I were raised by these creatures.

Another major thing that I learned is that humans call their feeding times different things. When the sun first comes up, their first feeding time is called breakfast. Then, when the sun in high in the sky, their second feeding time occurs and they call it lunch. Their third and final feeding time occurs when the sun is going down and they call it dinner (Though I have heard some of them call it supper). Again, like I said before, humans are complicated.

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