6. Rumors and shoulder rubs

Start from the beginning

Nothing new was to be spotted until yesterday, when the six original avengers reunited in an exclusive Zoom Stream to announce their next movie to the world. And despite being thrilled by the news, we all couldn't help but notice that the two actors were in the same room while the announcement.

Now the question remains, are Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans having an affair? Every sign seems to point towards yes. We actually have information about where they went and about the nature of their relationship.

Chris' eyes widened and a deep frown appeared on his face. How could they know about this quarantine? It was supposed to be kept away from the media. Shari and Robert wanted to make sure the quarantine was a secret. They knew it would be impossible for Chris and Scarlett if people knew about it. But apparently, they hadn't been discreet enough. If this one person knew about it, every gossip magazine and website would start lousy rumors about them.

A source has told us they are quarantined together in an apartment in New York. Their friendship has been going on for the past 17 years and we can't help but think that maybe it has become more than just a friendship.

Chris couldn't read any longer. He briefly looked through the end of the article, seeing that the writer made the assumption that he and Scarlett could have been having an affair for years. He deeply rolled his eyes and went back to the conversation with Scott.

Chris — They really start to disgust me with those rumors, Scarlett's gonna flip. Don't they know how this could affect her life?

Chris — And yeah, everything is going fine. Being with her isn't hard per say, it gets complicated when we get close 😅

Scott — They have no shame

Scott — Wdym close?

Chris sighed as he saw his brother's text. He turned to check to see if Scarlett was still asleep and when he saw she was, he wrote to his brother the little moments they had since they had arrived.


Chris — Because it doesn't mean anything, we're friends and that's final.

Scott — Come on Chris, we know you're more than friends. Maybe you should tell her how you feel, what have you got to lose?

Chris — Well, her. If I were to tell her and she doesn't feel the same way, everything won't be the same anymore. It'll just make things awkward and I'll be heartbroken

Scott — More than you already are?

Scott — Just be careful, okay? I wouldn't want you to get hurt

Chris stared at his phone, reading his brother's texts over and over again. He locked his phone and set it on the table. He raised his hands to his face and put his head inside of them as he released a sigh. He heard some ruffle behind him, Scarlett was awake. "God, I've never slept this late in a long time." She yawned and stood up from the bed, stretched and walked over to Chris. "Wait, did I fall asleep in the bed?" She put a hand on Chris' shoulder and frowned. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He lifted his head and looked at her. A small smile appeared on his face as he nodded slightly. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired."

"I'm sorry, I should've gone to the couch when I got sleepy. Your back must be killing you again." She stood behind him and set both of her hands on his shoulders to massage him.

Chris wanted to make her stop but his back had been killing him ever since he slept on the couch. She applied the right amount of pressure to relieve his sore muscle. "Ahh." He released a satisfied sigh.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight and tomorrow. It's only fair to you." She said, rubbing his shoulders.

Chris pursed his lips, he had to tell her but didn't know how to break it to her. He knew that the fact they accidentally fell asleep together was basically nothing but she wouldn't see it that way. "Actually..." He trailed off but she interrupted him before he could say anything else.

"No, Chris. Before you say it's okay, I gotta say–"

This time he interrupted her as he turned around to look at her. "We actually both fell asleep while watching the show." He blurted out, eyeing her reaction. "And when I woke up, you were in my arms." He added the last part with a soft voice, maybe she wouldn't think that it's okay but he still had to be honest.

"I see.." She trailed off, removing her hands from his upper back and going to sit on the chair beside him. "Well, we've already shared a bed in the past. I don't think we should make a big deal out of it, right?" She shrugged off, refusing to tell him that she had, in fact, decided to stay in bed.

When they watched the TV show, Chris was the first one to fall asleep and Scarlett noticed it, but she didn't want to leave the warmth and coziness of the bed. Being there with him felt comfortable and nice. As he slept, Chris scooted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. Being in his arms felt good, she didn't want to move. She felt safe in his arms and happy, it hadn't been an accident. Not on her part anyway, she fell asleep in his hold on purpose.

"I suppose." Chris said with a semi surprised tone. He thought she would have reacted differently. "Wait, I thought you didn't want to share a bed with me, even though we already did in the past."

Scarlett pursed her lips and looked at him in the eyes, thinking about what to say. "I mean, it went okay, right? Nothing happened, I don't see the harm of sleeping in the same bed." She said, not acknowledging the fact that she was in his arms. "Anyway, what do you want for breakfast? I could go for pancakes." She changed the subject and raised from her seat before collecting every ingredient she would need for her recipe.

Chris was speechless by her reaction, he really hadn't thought she would have been okay about herself sleeping in the arms of another man. Maybe he was thinking too much out of it, maybe it wasn't such a big deal. He was just overthinking it.



By the way, the link to the article is fake 🤥

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