"I... I think you sho-"

"In fact, I was waiting for you to figure it out..."

Eli heard a voice from behind him. His eyes immediately turned orange, glowing brighter than fire, and he attacked. When he turned around, there was nothing there. He surrounded himself and Penny with fire, and he was determined to figure out what had just happened.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He screamed towards the cieling.

"Ah! I guess I should have introduced myself in a more peaceful way. I'm not here to harm you or anything like that."

Between the fire, Eli saw a man suddenly appear in front of him. He was shocked, but he didn't hold any fear. He started to slowly extinguish the fire around him and his beloved, leaving the man at sight. Just by looking at him, you could tell he was powerful. He wore an orange outfit, and he looked at Eli with a smirk.

"Thanks for that. I guess it's my fault that you reacted that way."

"Um... You still haven't answered my questions." Eli said, trying to take control over the situation.

"Ah! You're absolutely right. I'm sorry... again."

He started walking around the hall. Every step he took left a gentle trail of fire behind him, looking exactly like Eli's new power.

"You see, Eli..." He started speaking.

"I've been watching you from above. You've grown a lot more than I thought you would. You've acquired more power than the one a child of Light is meant to have. You've created things I didn't believe were possible at first. Yet here I am, astonished and impressed of what you have become."

He threw the fire behind him towards Eli, wrapping around him. Eli went with the flow, confident that he wouldn't get hurt.

"I am Diiran. I'm a god that ascended a long time ago due to my power. And I think, Eli..."

The fire around him disappeared, and it revealed someone who appeared to be unknown at first. Eli had gained a new outfit. His pants were dark red at the top, slowly fading to black as they went down along with golden stripes. His shirt had three shiny strips that went through his chest, the middle one crossing the light in his heart. His hair looked different, as if it had the same style as when he unleashed his dark side. And he also had a collar that shined as bright as gold and was exactly like the one Penny had.

Everything about him was different, except for his scar. It stayed there, but Eli took it as an upgrade rather than a painful memory. He was impressed by everything, but it was the cape that caught his attention the most. He took it off, and as he looked at it he couldn't help gasping. It looked like the wings of a phoenix, glowing gold on all of its edges. He loved everything about it. He looked at Diiran, grateful, and as he did he continued speaking.

"I think you are ready to ascend like I did!"

There was a moment of silence after he said this. Eli's eyes stayed on Diiran, while Penny gasped from where she was standing. Eli seemed to be calm, but he lost his cool soon enough.

"Wait... WHAT!?"

He couldn't believe it. It was too much for him to process. He walked away, his heart beating faster than ever.

"Bu- But... I'm too young! I'm not ready for this! What am I supposed to do if I ascend!? NO!"

He turned to the wall. He started breathing heavily, and he started to go pale. Penny was shocked as well, but he ran to help him calm down.

"It's ok, dear... Calm dowm..." She said as she hugged him.

"But... How? Why me?" Eli wondered out loud.

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