Elven Dance

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(Don't play the song yet!!)

The last day of the cold winter drew near. The day and night where the elves will come out and celebrate the new coming of spring. Dancing and singing will echo all within the willow forest and the world will have peace during the months of the flower bloom. 

Elves rushed out there homes and started setting up for the busy night ahead of them. Tiny light hanged off leather chord and hunged near the ancient willow and around the tall tree, the smells of various foods and treats scattered amongst the elven village and kingdom lifting everyone with happiness and excitement during this wondered winter. 

Not far off from the village a young Elven maid dressed in silk was spinning and dancing in her small treehouse getting even more excited by the minute her hair was as gold as honey her eyes the color of icebergs. Everything felt free and alive when people were around this maiden. She brought the village goodwill and freedom for miles to come. Her smile could bring happiness throughout the lands except for the elven warrior. 

His eyes were as red as rubies hair as black as coal. Hair always tied up in a ponytail while carrying his steel sword in the other giving which engraved the old Elven script for brave and fierce. He found himself outside the young maiden's home, knocked on the door, and gently opened it

The maiden was smiling and dancing around the room placing the silk gently on the manikin for the perfect elven look for the winter's dance. She spins around and bumped into the tall warrior. She looked into his eyes of jewels "Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in" She smiled and let the man inside

He walked inside the house and looked at the array of various fabrics and noticed the perfect soft silken dress that laid over the manikin "The elven king wishes to have a word with you Mary" He spoke with a stern look on his face 

Mary handed the warrior a cup of green tea and sat down on the wooden stool "What does the Elven king want from me?" She asked taking small sips of tea

"If I would've known I would tell me Maidan," He said finishing the tea and put it near the small sink filled with water 

Mary looked at the warrior and placed her tea down on the table "I'll go and pay his majesty a visit then" She said with a smile and soon left her humble home soon followed by the Elven warrior

While heading towards the castle Mary looked around the willow smiling really wide feeling the sun hitting against her soft skin the leaves were a bright shade of emerald. She could hear the sounds of instruments playing and elves already starting to sing and dance before the night drew near. The cloaks and dresses danced behind the elven boy and girls 

The man placed his hand on Mary's shoulder "Now's not the time for distractions keep moving
 He said sternly as he held her hand and headed towards the tall towers of dark oak and forest green with vines and flower garlands hanging down from each tower. Entering the palace door there sat a king in a throne of cotton and flowers. The warrior bowed "Mary Fay my lord" He stood up and walked to the side of the king 

The elven king stood up and walked to Mary who bowed before the king "My dear lift thy head" he spoke so sweetly 

Mary lifted her head "The Warrior says you wish to speak to me how can I be of help" She asks looking at the king 

"Fair maiden. I wish for you to sing the ancient elven song tonight. Word spreads that your singing sound like a choir of angels" He said smiling with glee

Mary eyes filled with the suns light. Happiness appeared across her face "Really. That would be an honour" She tried to contain the excitement within herself. Mary soon bid the king fairwell and returned home smiling with glee 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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