"It's her. It's Lilith. Her sworn enemy is herself."

Things are starting to make sense to Aguero.

The reason why she was so avid on avoiding his father.

The reason why his father confronted her alone.

His father's portrait in the back of the treasure house.

It was a portrait of Lilith.

All Khun could feel right now is upset and betrayed.

If this woman before them was really Lilith.

Then Lilith isn't who she claimed she is.

"A sworn enemy is someone you dread in your heart, and summoned here yourself." Bam muttered, forcing Khun to tear his eyes away from the battle.


"If that woman fighting Lord Eduan is really Lilith's past self. Then she must really resent it right?" The brunette stated as he held sadness in his golden orbs.


"I wonder what could have happened to make her change like that."

Before Aguero can reply, they were cut off by an incoming projectile that caused them to disperse. The boy watched as the familiar looking woman skillfully trapped his father in a vortex of lighthouses before making her way to Lilith. The said woman still in a trance as she watched her sworn enemy approach her, sword in hand.

Aguero clicked his tongue before screaming. "LILITH! RUN AWAY DAMNIT!"

But sadly he remained unheard. Thankfully Bam got there just in time to whisk her away.

"Lilith!" Bam's voice snapped Lilith out of her trance as she found herself staring longingly at Lilia.

"... Bam?!"

"Who is-" the boy was cut off as he barely dodged an incoming bang from behind him.

"She's me." Lilith answered sadly as the two continued to get away. Bam looked behind them to see the same jeweled orbs as his companion's staring right back at him. But instead of warmth and kindness, it was filled with cold ruthlessness.

"Who you once were... sure was quite different huh?"  Bam muttered, trying to lighten the mood as the woman next to him look more distressed.



"I have something to tell you. Once this is over."

"... I see."

Lilith smile as she touched his should, signalling him to let her down. "Good. Now not even if Eduan can beat me, I'm supposing the rest of us can't too."


"Put me down, Bam." Lilith ordered as her voice went from soft to stern.

Bam wanted to argue, but the look in her eyes tell him otherwise. Nodding, he chose a safe place to land before backing away to Khun and the others, leaving Lilith to herself. He watched as the look-alike destroy everything in her path to get to his companion.

"BAM!" He turned to see it was Khun running towards him along with the rest of the party.


"What happened?! Why did you leave Lilith there!?" Endorsi exclaimed as she grabbed him harshly by the shoulders.


"Forget it, Endorsi." Khun stated coldly. Everyone's eyes widened at the male's outburst. Of all people, they'd expect Khun to be the one complaining the most about Lilith's safety.

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