2- Have You Ever Cut Your Hair, Ranboo? (-A)

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"Have you ever cut your hair, Ranboo?"

The grass tickled Tommy's arms and legs as he lay down in the meadow, squinting up at the cloudless sky and warm sun.

"What do you mean?"

Next to him, Ranboo propped himself up on his elbows, turning to Tommy with an amused smile.

Tommy sat up and looked back at him with a childish grin.

"It's just that it's getting long and looks just a little bit shit, ya'know," he flopped back down on the grass.

Ranboo let out a short burst of laughter, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.

For a few months, Ranboo had let his hair grow, deciding he liked it better when it was longer, and it now reached down to his lower back. The front two pieces of his hair were often braided, and the rest of it hung like a black and white curtain.

"I haven't cut it in a while, if that's what you mean," he replied, lying down again.

"Why don't you cut it?" Tommy pressed.

There was a pause while Ranboo thought about this.

"I guess I just don't want to," he mused.

Tommy turned his head to the right, looking directly at him, and gave Ranboo a look.

"At least do something to make it look less...shit," he told him, gesturing sporadicly.

Ranboo laughed again.

"What do you suggest, oh, great, knower of fashion?" he sniggered, sitting up.

"Alright, come here then," Tommy said, matter-of-factly, sitting up and gesturing to the space infront of him.

With another amused smile, Ranboo obliged, standing up and sitting cross-legged on the grass, facing away from him. With steady hands, Tommy carefully brought Ranboo's hair back and started to comb it through with his fingers.

"Do you have a hair tie?" he asked.

Ranboo checked his wrists and pockets.

"Nope," he replied.

Tommy sighed dramatically and reached behind his head, carefully untying his hair, which was long enough to tie in a short ponytail. He then placed the hairtie in his mouth while he combed through Ranboo's hair again.

"You'd think," he said, his speech slightly muffled because of the hairtie, "that someone with this much hair would have a hairtie on them."

Ranboo chuckled, "I guess not."

Tommy made quick work of gently braiding Ranboo's hair into a long, thick braid that hung down his back. Once he was finished, he tied it off with his hairtie.

"Have you braided it, now?" he asked.

"...Yup," he said.

Ranboo went to stand up.

"OI! DICKHEAD!" Tommy exclaimed, pulling him back down onto the grass.


"I'm not done, pissface!" he rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away.

Ranboo was left on the grass, watching as Tommy walked away and crouched down on the floor, hovering over a cluster of tall, purple flowers.

"Are those alliums?" Ranboo asked, craning to get a look at them.

"SHUT UP!" Tommy yelled at him, pulling a few of them up and making his way back to where Ranboo sat, extremely confused. "You're disturbing the master at his work."

Ranboo laughed as Tommy crouched down and lifted up his braid.

With ease, Tommy gingerly entwined one of the purple flowers into the tight braid, wrapped the stem through each careful fold in the air.

"Are you-" Ranboo started.

"The master wishes not to be disturbed during his work," Tommy cut him off. "So shut up."

He lifted another flower from the pile he had created, before carefully weaving it just underneath the other one. His hands were insanely steady and not a single move they made was inprecise.

Again, Tommy's fingers worked quickly, weaving and entwining and twisitng and knotting, until all of the alliums he had picked from the meadow were carefully wrapped into Ranboo's braid.

"Okay, now I'm done," he said finally, standing up and admiring his work.

Ranboo reached back and slung the braid over his shoulder, running his slim fingers over the flowers and careful folds of hair.

"I didn't know you were so good at hair, Toms," he said, admiring the craftmanship he'd put into it.

The other boy flushed and started to wring his hands, pausing. It was clear there was something he wanted to say.

"Well, you know how Techno knew my mum and I-I didn't?" he started.

"Yeah, I do," Ranboo muttered softly.

"Uhm, Techno told me that when he started to grow out his hair, my mum taught him how to braid it and tie it up and do all sorts of stuff. Then he kinda taught me too," he explained, stumbling over his words.

Ranboo was quiet for a moment while he digested this.

"That's so sweet," he said eventually. "Your mother sounds like an amazing person."

"Yeah..." Tommy sniffed.

A comfortable silence fell on the two, as Tommy sat back down next to Ranboo.

The sun was still high in the sky, bathing them both in a warm glow, and still not a cloud could be seen. The grass was just as cool and tickled their bare arms.

"Wanna go or do you wanna stay here?" Ranboo asked, keeping his voice low as though not to disturb the atmosphere.

Tommy's hair rustled in the wind as he stared off into the distance, at nothing at all.

"Let's stay here for a while," he mused.

Ranboo nodded and followed Tommy's gaze, watching the world go by.

A/N: I kinda gave up halfway through this.

By the way, if anyone reading this has any uncommon triggers or just any things that trigger them, would they mind commenting them? I want to make sure that I don't make anyone uncomfortable while reading this. Thanks!

As always, requests here!

951 words


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