Chapter 1

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I'm so nervous you guys have no idea!!
This is the first time that I've ever put my work out and it's nerve racking!!
I really hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I did writing it!!
Nicki ~ 🤍

Melly POV

"Can you put the freaking book down Melly!!"

"No. I'm almost done with this chap- HEY!! Give me my book back Elle!!"

"Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you tried to walk and read at the same time?!!"

"Fine. I'll put the book down."

I put the book in my bag and keep walking through the airport looking for our boarding gate. Elle might be a pain in the ass sometimes but she's right. The last time I tried to read and walk at the same time, I ended up with a headache and a bruise, on both my head and my ego, for a week.

"So!! Are you excited Melly?!! We're going to attend college in California!!"

"Yeah, I guess."

"What do you mean you "guess"!!"

"This is so exciting!! We're two Canadian girls moving to the U.S. to attend college in California of all places!!"

"Yeah, I know. It's just... I'm going to miss home"

"Trust me, I understand and I'll miss home too but this is a one in a lifetime opportunity!!"

We finally see our gate a few steps away from us. But what we didn't expect to see was a little crowd forming right in front of it. I wonder what's causing this chaos.

While we pass the crowd, I try to look through the sea of teenagers but without any luck. As I'm turning my head, giving up on finding the source of this mob, my eyes catch something. It was just a glimpse, barely a couple seconds, but it felt like way more than a couple seconds. I make eye contact with a pair of brown eyes. It's almost as if time had slowed down. But what made this more memorable was the sensation that flowed through my body as the eyes watched me. It was as if I'd been stroked by lightning. I could feel it flow from my head to each of my extremities. Then as quickly as it began, it was over.

"Melly!! Did you hear anything I said?!! We have to go, they started boarding passengers!!"

"Sorry. Let's go."

~ skip to inside the plane ~

B8!! Here we go!! Now I have to figure out a way for my 5ft short ass to put our luggage in the compartment!! That should be fun!!*sarcastically*
I spent the next five minutes trying to get our freaking luggage in the freaking compartment!!

"Do you need help with that?!"

"Please! If you don't mind!"

"Yeah! No problem!! I don't mind!! And
my seat is right there so... yeah"

"Oh! I'm sorry!!"

"Don't worry about it!!"

I see two hands grab our luggage and put them in the compartment above seemingly without effort. While the stranger grabs our luggage, I notice what seems to be a lion tattoo on his right hand. It looks good on him. I wonder if he has any more tattoos.

"Here you go!"

"Thank you so much!"

"I probably would've struggled with it all the way to California!! Hahah!!"

I seat in the middle seat since Elle as already taken and fallen asleep in the window seat.

"I'm Jack by the way!!"

"Nice to meet you Jack! I'm Melly!!"

"It's nice to meet you too Melly!!"

I turn my head to look at him and stop moving the moment I make eye contact with him. I'm so shocked I that I freeze for a second. His eyes. It's the eyes I made eye contact with at the gate. I recognize them and recognize the feeling I felt. And by the way he just reacted... he seemed to recognize my eyes too. But that's not the thing that shocked me the most. No. What shocked me the most was who this man was. I was seated beside Jack Robert "Mf" Avery.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!
I'll try to be as consistent as I can but I can promise anything rn!!
Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!!
Nicki ~ 🤍

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