New Faces

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Carter Pov

Moving to a new school is never easy. You don't really know anyone, and you need to attach yourself to the right people or else you'll be more miserable than you were already destined to be. It's my last year of high school, so I need to make it count. I'm about to go to the same school as my cousin Michael. Its still in the same town, but since we moved we're no longer zoned for my old school. 

I hear my phone ring. It's my girlfriend Katrina. She and I have been dating since the 9th grade. 

"Ready for your first day," she asked excitedly. 

"Someone is energized this morning," I answered.

"I got a good sleep last night after we you know," she teased. 

She's such a naïve girl. We just made out and dry humped each other for a little while. We would be having real sex by now if she wasn't hung up on this waiting until marriage shit. I can't bring myself to break up with her though. She's a really nice girl, and her father is the mayor. My dad would kill me if I killed his shot at being in good with the mayor. I just need to find a way to make it work before I go crazy. 

Maybe Michael can help me. After I hang up with Katrina, he comes running up to my car.

"What's up cuz, you ready to start our last year of high school," Mike said dapping me up.

"Hell yeah. I need to talk to you about something," I replied.

"What is it bro," he asked.

"You know how me and Katrina been dating since freshman year," I started.

"Yeah what about it," he spoke.

"We still haven't had sex yet," I admitted.

"Damn bro I'm sorry you're going through that. It's always the young ones," Mike said shaking his head wiping away fake tears.

"Bro I'm serious. Katrina wants to wait until marriage, but I can't wait for her much longer. I need some pussy. I don't even know how I lasted this long. Before I met her, I would be putting it down almost everyday.  I couldn't cheat on Katrina with anybody at my old school because a lot of people knew her. Now that she goes to private school and I go to your school, I shouldn't have a problem," I explained.

"I wouldn't be too sure. People talk and you know word travels fast. Everybody knows somebody from a different school. You know how every guy has had sex with a girl and they aren't proud of it because she either wasn't really attractive or she was just an easy lay. I know a girl that can help you with this problem, and keep it a secret," he responded.

"Can you ask her to help me," I asked.

"It don't work like that my brother. You have to go to her yourself, but you can't just go to her and say, My girlfriend won't give it up. Can you have sex with me, but keep it on the low. She's not gonna like that. She's the kind of girl that's desperate for attention which is why she will keep your secret even without you asking her to," he answered. 

"How do you know all of this about her? You slept with her," I asked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. The point is she'll never tell anybody if we did," he answered confirming my question. He definitely slept with her. I wonder what she looks like. 

"How do I find her," I inquired.

"You'll probably see her today. She goes to our school," Mike said smirking.

I get in my car and turn it on driving towards school. Mike follows me in his car. I pull up to school and I park. I get out and I see some girls talking and a few of them are looking at me. They're already talking about me. Great. This secret thing is gonna be a little harder than I thought. I look down at my schedule. I have Physics first. I walk into school and go to my locker. I hear a commotion. It's a girl and a guy arguing. 

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