12. Winter Wonders

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The winter chill consumes your toes
The harsh winds freeze off your nose
The horrid cold your frigid breath
This weather will be your death
Your coat tight around your skin
You'll never again see your kin
The bears deep within their dens
You feel winded you're head spins
You slide on ice spinning out of control
Around in a place surprisingly dull
You scream out loud
You see a small crowd
You crash into a tree
You get stung by a very big bee
Its stinger feels like ice and fire
You scream in pain they think you a liar
The winter birds scream hellish cries
You slam into one it nearly dies
The small crowd sings and walks away
The snow was no good to play
Help leaves you all alone
You sit in pain and moan and groan
It's been such a difficult day
You go home to your dismay
The powers cut it's cold as ice
You look down and see frozen mice
The chill creeps into your young bones
The harsh wind sounds like moans
The powers out there's no heat left
You start to freeze an untimely death
But the power comes on life is back
Then it's taken from you a horrid attack
The ice and cold and pain is here
You sit alone in cold and fear
This time you die a freezing death
With no evidence of your killer left

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