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Xiao Zhan's POV


I tumbled off my bed as I groaned; my head felt like it got filled with cotton as unshed tears rolled down my cheek.

My hand was grabbing around, searching for my phone as my eyes shot open; looking around, I was all alone, back in my room.

Suddenly the realization hit in as I made myself as small as possible, the pain settling inside my chest, the longing inside my heart hurt as I ignored my phone, pushing my glasses towards the bridges of my nose again.

I grabbed my tissues as I wiped the tears, biting my lower lip and letting myself tumble backwards on my bed, remembering the dream.

Would Yibo have remembered it?

My phone continued ringing as I groaned, and without looking, I picked up, only to hear the blasting voice of Zhoucheng.

"XIAO ZHAN!" I threw the phone away from me; I picked up my pillow as I muffed a cry, not listening to Zhoucheng's words when he abruptly mentioned Yibo's name.

I peeked up, picking my phone as Zhoucheng continued, "Yibo has got hospitalized since this morning; it's a good thing if you go there with some flowers and impress him, do you hear me, Xiao Zhan!" I nodded before realizing Zhoucheng couldn't see it and said yes.

Within a flash of a moment, I had changed my cloth as I ran down the stairs, perhaps Yibo did remember it all and who knows . . . ?

As I knocked on the door, I peeped through the small window.

Slowly opening the door, I saw Yibo on the bed staring at the blank wall as I approached; for a second, I had the feeling his eyes widened before he pulled that facade on, my heart clenching at the sight as I held my breath.

"T-These are for you." I held the bouquet in front of my face to make sure Yibo wouldn't see my blush as he just took it without an answer.

I awkwardly fiddled my fingers behind my back, staring at the ground as I listened to my own breathing.

"Was that all, Mister Xiao; if that's the case, can you please leave as I want to take a rest." I continued fiddling as I shook my head, unsure about what to say.

If he didn't remember what I remembered, he would call me a crazy stalker for sure, but if Yibo did remember, why did he act so cold . . . ?

I sighed, giving it a shot, "could you maybe give some feedback as to what could have been done better to my manuscript?

Yibo looked at me, leaning back against the bed as his eyes scanned over me, "the love is so platonic and boring; the conversations they hold are so plain, don't you think?" I frowned, shaking my head, strongly disagreeing but not opening my mouth.

He motioned for me to come closer as I approached him, "take, for example, the scene with the flowers." I pouted, "but I love flowers." Yibo rolled his eyes with a small laugh.

"Or the conversation in which the main lead is too poor to be able to buy himself a good meal." I huffed, stomping out of the room as I still heard his cackling laugh; perhaps my dream prince Yibo was just a dream and nothing more.

As I was about to exit the hallway, I stopped mid-tracks, the realization dawning upon me that what he mentioned was never in my actual manuscript; my main lead was never too poor, and I never said that he could not buy a good meal.

It was something I particularly had said to Yibo that is indicating to my own messy life, which meant that . . .

Before I could finish my thoughts, I turned around, running through the hall back o Yibo's room as I ci=ollided with almost half of the people walking through the hospital, apologizing before continuing my run.

I launched the door open as Yibo got sitting on his bed, eating a banana staring at me as I was out of breath; he raised an eyebrow.

"Forgot something, bunny?" I pouted as I approached him, beating him slightly on his chest as he put his banana away, laughing at me as he pulled me into his lap, and I shrieked, continuing to hit his chest.

"Meanie!" I looked away from him as Yibo ruffled my hair, his mouth near my ear as he whispered, his breath tickling me, "I love you, Xiao Zhan."

I once again pouted but quietly whispered back, "I love you too, Wang Yibo." Turning around to face him, I didn't have the time to adjust myself, and Yibo leaned forwards, stealing a peck.

"What are ge ge's doing?" We both turned around to the source of the cute young voice as we saw A-Yuan standing at the door with big doe eyes in a hospital pyjama.

I looked from Yibo to A-Yuan before quickly jumping out of Yibo's lap, who chuckled awkwardly.

"A-YUAN!" A woman came into the room, the same woman from my dream, and as I looked at Yibo, I knew he recognized her too, so I withheld a small smile as the woman apologized and dragged A-Yuan with her, who winked at us before running after his mom.

"Why do I get the feeling that that little boy is quite witty for his age?" I laughed as I leaned forwards, kissing Yibo, who once again pulled me into his lap.

We laughed as the door busted open for a second time; this time, we were facing Zhoucheng and my younger sister Xiao Hua, and I cursed under my breath, looking from my position in Yibo's lap to them before giving them an awkward smile.

Zhoucheng's voice boomed through the quiet room as I hugged Yibo tightly, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, XIAO ZHAN!"

Xiao Hua laughed amusingly at the scene, shaking her head and praying for her brother.

Word count: 1081 words


Hi guys, hope you enjoyed the story, sorry for the long wait, I started the story in December 2020, and gosh, I took so long, I am very sorry, but I hope you liked it and am sorry if you're disappointed with the end, I will publish a small A/N tomorrow about this book, so please wait before deleting it out of your library *makes puppy eyes* thank you once again!!

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