Abruptly did Alexander begin to giggle until he began to choke, causing Mother to erupt into a soft chuckle of her own, before they were both doubled over in dramatic fits of bubbly laughter.

Not even the sound of approaching heavy footsteps ceased their chatter and disheveled manner.

"It's the one person you'd live to die for." New yet so familiar, you could hear approbation in the newcomer's voice who interrupted the parent and child misbehavior. Immediately, the mother had recognized him, though Alexander only remain dumbfounded as he tried to place a name on the man who was a stranger to his small developing mind.

"A soulmate is what you asked if I'm not mistaken," He ruffled his hair as a slightly mischievous smile recoiled on top of his mouth. Glittery gray eyes twinkling and easily Alexander had noted, he'd only known one other person with those eyes which everyone complimented that they were charismatic.

Hard to fall into. Hard not to love, divinely sorted into pools of despicable color. Those dazzling greasy eyes? They both shared, however, Alexander has only seen them once, threw a mirror at his reflection. "Well, it isn't posing to be complicated or assessed similar to a math problem. It is organic, it's supposed to be existent like breathing." Slowly the smile washes from the young man's face as he observed the older man's appearance and all he could think about is how they shared the same irises.

Alexander finally scoffed, forgetting his mother was beside him, even after he'd unnoticeably tugged her behind him since the older male's arrival. "You just said it's who you'd love to die for, then you say it isn't supposed to be complicated." Narrowing his bushy eyebrows, Alexander retorts sassy, "What's more complicated than dying?"

"Gregory-" Margaret attempted to intervene lightly, there was just no winning a debate with her young Alexander. He was too smart, too bold. Strongly repetitive that it made her heart swell with the greatest of pride. He was everything.

Just like his father.

Gregory hushed her easily with the flick of his palm until he leveled himself to Alexander's height. "Death doesn't always have to be complicated. It's almost as natural as living, if not more." Gregory wanted to continue irrationally; however, he ended himself short, seeming appeased by his answer. Slitting his eyes, he'd countered that Alexander couldn't have been what, maybe a little under twelve but too young to be eleven years old.

Finally, when Alexander was satisfied with the beta's answer, he falls back impatiently on his feet. "What are you doing here, Gregory?" She intertwined the knitting of her sweater between her fingers as she asked. The atmosphere around them became all the more suffocating as he watched her wordlessly before gathering what he'd say next. The beta just wanted to see her, had been searching all over.

"I'd come to see my Luna, why is there something wrong with that." Alexander eyed the transaction, sighing under his breath. Maybe because he didn't like Gregory's teasing tone or the way his mother shied away while hugging herself like a cocoon.

The autumn breezed sweeping over them all, as Alexander was reminded again of the weather. How his mother had stuffed the rest of him in a blanket and moved them both to the balcony. Now Alexander was starting to think it was more to this than what he initially thought, they were hidden away from the public eyes.

Almost as if she became energized, Margaret thoroughly ignored what he said and pointed an accusing finger, "You can't be here. Not at the same time as me. You know that." She stated matter-of-factly. "In fact, how did you even know where to find me?"

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