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I'm not sure If I should be happy about it, but I guessed right.

My sister is hungover from having the wine last night.

Today she came out of her room at 11am, which is weird for her since she normally gets up early. Like 6am early. When she came out of her room, she was leaning from one side to the other, constantly, like she was dizzy or unbalanced. She was angry as well.

So to say the least, it was noticeable. 

But, just to add the extra bit of flair, straight after she got up she wobbled over to the bathroom and threw up. A lot. Like 6 times at least, and it was pretty loud... So my parents blew up at her. They were yelling and screaming and punishing her in every way they could think of.  But almost as soon as they started, it was time for me to take the subway to my half-day at school. The first day of this year of school. The subway, as always, was super busy, and, as always, I had to stand. I just spent the ride watching YouTube, with one hand on the bar to keep me standing. I was hard not to fall over, even with my hand on the bar. I almost missed my stop because I couldn't get out, and the doors were closing but I just made it. Which is good, otherwise I'd be late to the first day.

Even before I had stepped into school, I decided that this year, I was gonna be the cool girl. The girl everyone wants to be friends with. So I strutted. I walked like a model. everyone looked at me and my ripped jeans. I felt like this was gonna be the year. I had even dyed the tips of my hair pink. But I think I had forgotten one thing.

My *anxiety*.

I mean, my anxiety isn't that bad... Yet. But I still had to get over it.  It's not gone yet. So I still wanted to run away and hide in a hole for the rest of eternity so no one would see me. I still wanted to cry until I was dead. But that's another goal for this year. To get rid of my anxiety by being the popular girl. I then went and I got my new timetable. English is first today. My locker is number 234. 

English is actually my best and favorite subject. I love writing and envisioning what's happening in stories. Like painting a picture in someone's head. I like learning about random things and doing essays on them. I like learning new words that adults don't even understand so I can impress them. I even like most of the English teachers. They don't call on me cuz' they know me. I'm in the AIL English class or advanced intellect level class. I just study and 'do' the stuff they do in English class a lot. So Without further ado, (although I have no idea what 'ado' is...(Hey! maybe I'll learn that in English class!))

Anyway, lets go to English!

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