One Last Time

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Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

Why did I do that...

So you're wondering what happened? Well...I guess I could tell you.

So I asked my sister if she would go to the house one last time. It felt like when she looked up at me from her bed, she could see my thoughts and understand everything.

It was like she knew why...

But so, we decided to play volleyball over the scraggly, torn, net. One last time. We brought our ball from under the house and ran over to the house. It wasn't big, but not small either. It was made of steel with a black, metallic roof. To the naked eye, it wasn't very attractive, but real estate agents loved to say it had potential. I don't know if it's because of all the signs that said it, but I started to believe it. I started to see what they saw. I started to plan it in my head. The renovations, the decorations, everything. It was almost like it was real. Of course it's not. It's still the steel house with the black roof and volleyball net.

So we got there and played volleyball for what seemed like forever, like the old times, and it probably was forever because we were about to go home when we heard a really weird noise. We actually got scared, which doesn't happen often. We stood in silence. Then we heard another noise, but it wasn't the same noise as before. So we decided to go around and check out the front yard to see what was happening, but just before we got there, another noise.

A knock on the door.

We stayed hidden and peeked around the bushes to see what the heck was actually going on. Standing there was a woman who looked in her 40's with wavy brown hair, a man who also looked in his 40's, but with red hair, and and insanely cute teenage boy. The woman knocked on the door again.

"Hello?" she said "Is anyone there?"

We had been caught. Me and my sister. For some reason I knew I was going to have to do the talking. Damn you stupid childhood nostalgia.

The Time I Fainted On My Crushes LawnWhere stories live. Discover now