The only part of the boat that didn't seem to be completely silent was in Lucy's room.

They talked animatedly about what Natsu was up to at the moment and how he would react to Acnologia.

Speaking of Natsu, he had been taken to a cliff with no towns nearby and only a single house standing on top of the cliff.

"Where did you take me?" Natsu asked as he looked around the place.

There didn't seem to be anybody there except him and Acnologia.

"My house." Acnologia answered simply.

He walked towards the house, looking back and waiting for Natsu to follow him inside.

In the house, was a single bed, a stove and fridge along with a table, and some chairs. There was also a fireplace next to the bed along with some some flowers on top of it.

"You live here? That's kind of sad." Natsu said with a teasing smile.

Acnologia glared at him," I didn't pick it because of the quality. I just wanted to get away from people."

After an awkward moment of silence Natsu spoke up again.

"So... Why'd you show up blowing random things up in the sky?"

"Cuz I felt like it."

"Where have you been all these years?"

"Asleep. I've been in a coma for a decade or so and just recently woke up for who knows what reason."

"Then do you remember me?"

Acnologia nodded his head.

"Natsu. The little boy I raised for a few years."

"Then..." Natsu smiled," were you looking for me too?"


Natsu pouted a bit, silently sulking in the corner.

Acnologia rolled his eyes dramatically," don't be so upset kid. Tell me about what you've been up to."

The pinky smiled again," well I'm in a guild now. It started kind of rough but we're okay now."

"Are you unsatisfied with them? If you are, I can deal with them for you."

"No, I think that would make Lucy sad. Talking about Lucy she's someone very important to me! Her and Wendy both helped me through the tough times I'm grateful to them."

"Do you mean those two that were standing next to you?" Natsu nodded.

"Hmm the daughter of Igneel and the daughter of Grandeeney. You've picked some troublesome companions to have around you."

"How come?"

"Igneel is a too reckless and Grandeeney is overly strict."

"I mean they can't be that bad right?"

"Igneel used to go around setting everything on fire when we were kids. It got so bad that he had to be put in detention." Acnologia stated, half smiling.

Natsu smiled," but aunt Reina said you were always picking fights with him too!"

Acnologia turned away sheepishly," you've met my sister I see. Well, she's wrong. I merely put a stop to his crazy antics."

The two continued talking about various things until it turned dark.

"It's about time I take you back to that guild you like so much." Acnologia said, basically scowling.

"Can you make it there when it's already this dark?" Acnologia nodded.

"Don't underestimate me kid. I may be old but this body is still as strong as ever."

Natsu smiled as the two headed to the Fairy Tail guild. Once they were at the docks, Natsu got off and gave a wave to Acnologia.

"Come visit again!" Natsu shouted with a smile still on his face.

He made his way to Lucy's place, still smiling happily. It seemed as if that smile was going to be stuck on his face forever.

Natsu looked into the bedroom that he was so familiar with to see Lucy and Wendy talking on her bed.

He knocked on the window, drawing their attention.

"Natsu! Welcome home!" The two girls exclaimed as they opened the window and welcomed him in.

"Hello to the both of you too." He laughed and hopped into the room.

"So? How was it? What happened?" Lucy asked, pulling him to sit on the bed.

"I can't say I'm disappointed." The pinky said.

"Well tell us about him! Don't leave us in the dark like that!" Wendy urged him on.

He laughed and willingly talked on until the sun rose and the three had no choice but to go to sleep.

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