Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Over the last few months, Gwyn had become friends with almost the entire Inner Circle. She had even made a new best friend, Elain. And it was all because of a necklace.

It was just gonna be a simple lunch at the townhouse with the Inner Circle. Gwyn was getting ready in her room in the library. Azriel knocked at the door repeatedly and said, "C'mon Gwyn we're gonna be late", "I KNOW" she shouted back.

She then quickly wore some earings and was just heading out when she saw the necklace on her dressing table. Clotho had given it to her a few months ago but Gwyn had never dared to wear it. Well, now she was daring and so she wore the necklace.

As soon as she opened the door she saw Azriel's hand midair, just about to knock again. "You look great" He said, "I know" Gwyn replied and they started walking out of the library. They reached the balcony and Gwyn put her arms around Azriel's neck.

Azriel instinctively put his hands on her waist and didn't even give a warning before shooting in the sky. "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOINGG" Gwyn shouted but her voice was muffled as she had hidden her face in Azriel's neck.

"Berdara, let me remind you. Just yesterday I heard you telling Nesta that you liked flying-", "IT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME", "Ahhh and that too, so now, we're going to get that fear out of you"

"I'm not scared of flying dumbass, I'm scared of falling" And as soon as Gwyn said that she realized her mistake. She then finally looked up meeting his stare, and watching a devillish grin spread across his face. "Az.... NO", "Do you not trust me then?" Azriel asked with a serious expression but Gwyn could see the mischief in his eyes. "No it's not that" Gwyn said sulkily and Azriel smirked again.

"You're gonna let me go aren't you?" Gwyn said, already knowing what was gonna happen. "Of course Berdara, but I'll catch you" He said with a seriousness that Gwyn could not understand. Gwyn grumbled a little "fine" And Azriel shot up even higher. Before Gwyn could even take back what she said, Azriel let go of her.

"AZZZ, CATCH ME DUMBASS" She shouted from way below Azriel. Azriel just stood in the sky with his wings flaired, and didn't try to hide the grin on his face when Gwyn shouted some pretty colourful curses from down there.

And just when Gwyn was about to hit the ground, Azriel scooped her up in her hands and landed safely in front of the townhouse. "You son of a bitc-" Gwyn was just about to complete her statement when Rhysand coughed in front of them. Gwyn's eyes shot to Rhysand who was smiling slightly. Gwyn's cheeks reddened and her eyes widened. From the corner of her eyes she saw Azriel trying to stifle a laugh. "The lunch is gonna begin, we were just waiting for you both." Rhysand said turned around and gestured them to follow him.

Gwyn then punched Azriel in a stomach which made his knees wobble a bit and he his hands clutched his stomach. Rhys turned around and asked, mischief dancing in his eyes to at the sight of his brother clutching his stomach, "Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Couldn't be better" Azriel replied and stood up straight. Rhysand then continued to go in the dining room and Gwyn followed him, but not before saying this in Azriel's ear, "You're a dick". She could have sworn she felt Azriel smirk from behind her and even she couldn't help the small smile tugging on the corners of her lips.

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