《Chapter 5》

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Harry's P.O.V.

We finally reached our destination. It was a huge mansion.

"Let's go. We're here" My kidnapper told me as he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the van. 

"What are you gonna do to me?" I  muttered. He must have heard because he responded by saying "You'll find out soon enough, love."

We quickly walked inside the mansion  before anyone saw us. He shoved me inside a room. The room had a big bed in the middle, a table with a chair, a closet filled with clothes that looked like they could fit, a bathroom and a shelf filled with tons of books.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and just zoned out.

I returned to reality when I heard Louis' voice."I have him, sir. I told you it wasn't gonna be hard." He must have been talking to someone over the phone.

I quickly pressed my ear against the door to try and hear who he was talking to.

"Good. I'll be down there soon. Make sure no one finds about this and that you eere the one who had taken him." A man responded.

But I heard this guy's voice before. I just can't remember when or how, but it sounded very familiar.

I must have been deep into my thoughts because the next thing I know I was on the ground.

Louis opened the door with a plate of food in his hand.  "I see you were eavesdropping." He remarked while looking down at me on the ground.
"Who were you talking to?"

"Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out." He replied before handing me a plate filled with two slices of pizza.

I pushed the plate away. "I'm not hungry." I sighed. "Well, I can't just let you starve."
He argued. "Why not? I rather starve then deal with whatever you're gonna do to me." I questioned.

"I can't do that. Believe it or not, I need you." He answered before leaving me alone in the room and locking the door.

Wow, he needs me. To do what? What he was gonna do to me? I needed to know why I was the one he was doing this to? Why couldn't it be anybody else? Why me?

I asked myself these questions over and over again and there continued to be no answers. I really hope someone comes for me.

So what do you guys think?

Who do you think this familiar voice is?

A/N: Sorry, I haven't updated in a while and that this chapter is so short. I'm really trying to make them longer. But I just want to says thanks for over 300 reads! I really do appreciate it. Please help me reach my goal of 400 reads by the end of March. It would really mean a lot to me :)

Btw, did you hear about Zayn quitting the rest of the tour dates in Asia because he was stressed?!?! I really hope he's okay and that he feels better!

Please vote and comment!!!


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