Twelve- New town, new office

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My brain was wired from the excitement from being home and safe. I opened my eyes to see Babe laying in bed besides me. I still remember last night.

"Henry...I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna turn the movie off." Babe complained as she moved from her position next to me.

"That's fine. You excited to build an office in the old Junk 'N' Stuff store?" I smiled as she looked back at me.

"Yeah. I'm gonna face-time Kenzie, Hudson and Trip while I do it." Babe smiled as she took out the movie, placing it back in it's cover.

"How about I get Ray to hologram them. That way they have more of a view?" I suggested a good idea that Babe was really onboard with.

Like always, I was up early, either Ray calling me, Charlotte texting me, Piper yelling at me or Jasper asking me if I want to hang out with him. This time, it was Ray hologram calling me. I walked out of my room and down to my bathroom, avoiding waking Babe up.

"Good morning sir Henry." Ray had a silly accent on.

"Morning Ray." I sighed.

"Why aren't you in your bedroom? Why are you in your bathroom?" Ray was asking the questions I knew his childish brain would think of asking.

"Cause...Babe is sleeping. It's 7 am, remember?" I asked, rubbing the stuff out of my eyes.

"Ooh! Henry's sleeping with a girl!" Ray was still acting childish.

"It's not like that! We watched a movie last night before going to bed." I argued with the man-child who was acting giddy and stupid.

"Fine. Whatever you say. Anyways, Charlotte and Jasper are coming over in an hour to clean up the store so Babe can work on it." Ray announced.

"Oh, can you find a way to hologram Kenzie, Hudson and Trip? Babe wants them to help with the organisation." I asked.

"Sure. That should take Schwoz about an hour." He smiled.

"Now. If you'll excuse me. I have a girlfriend to make breakfast for." I was about to hang up, but Ray stopped me.

"Oh, I also wanted to tell you about the full moon." Ray seemed serious.

"What full moon?" I shouldn't've asked.

"This one!" Ray got as far as turning around and reaching for his pants before I hung up the call by closing the lid of my watch.

Getting downstairs, I got mostly through making breakfast before Babe walked downstairs.

"Morning Babe..." I kissed her forehead before we got settled down to eat breakfast.

Once breakfast was done, Babe got changed into a signature outfit, letting me clean up before I would meet her at the new office.

Henry's breakfast this morning was delicious, but it was time to get down to business. Ray had set up a hologram system in the open space so Kenzie, Hudson and Trip could see.

"I have the soundproof door that you requested..." Schwoz and Jasper walked into the space, placing the door against the counter.

"Hey Jasper." Kenzie smiled as she waved on the hologram.

"Oh, hey Kenzie!" Jasper waved back before heading down to the Man Cave.

"So. I have 15 boxes here. Each have specific items that I need to place somewhere here. I want this place to seem as Game Shaker-y as possible." I smiled while Hudson walked into the hologram frame.

"Woah! Nice office, Babe! Looks so spacious." Hudson smiled.

"Thanks. Now. Let's get down to work." Kenzie interrupted. Kenzie, Trip and Hudson would toss ideas around, while I took suggestions as to where everything would be placed.
After 3 hours, the office was finished, with every box being most, if not completely empty.

"Sorry Babe. I wish we could talk longer, but Dub is scheduling a conference and he's expecting us to be there for moral support." Kenzie smiled.

"Go. Say hi to Dub for me!" I smiled back.

"Will do! Bye Babe!" Kenzie ended the call, letting the office space fall back into silence.

"Wow! This office looks so cool!" Charlotte smiled as she walked in, opening the newly installed door.

"Thanks. The space at the back will mainly be tech that needs to be worked on." I smiled, hugging Charlotte.

"How's Henry and Ray?" I asked as I sat down at the counter.

"Stupid Jeff decided to rob Sushi Dushi so Kid Danger and Captain Man have had to make an appearance. When I last spoke to them, they had just arrested Jeff, so they should be back right" She smiled when the door was opened to reveal Captain Man and Kid Danger.

Jasper and Schwoz had installed curtains in the office, so they could be operated inside. This meant that Henry and Ray could be in their uniforms within the office without fearing that someone might see them.

"Wow. This is an amazing office Babe!" Ray smiled as he looked around.

"Thanks. Only took me 3 hours!" I laughed as Henry, in his Kid Danger uniform, hugged me from the side, his lips touching mine for a few seconds.

"No PDA (Public Displays of Affection) in the office!" Ray objected.

"It's my office now!" I poked my tongue out before Ray did the same.

"Now. If you'll excuse us, we love looking formal..." Ray started.

"...but it's time to get back to normal." Henry finished the rhyme before they put gum in their mouths, eventually transforming back.

"That's your best rhyme yet." Charlotte smiled.

"And if you'll excuse me, I have some game developing to do." I sat back down at the counter as Charlotte, Henry and Ray went down to the Man Cave.

To get some light into the room, I flicked the switch in front of me, where the emergency lockdown and the dinosaur fire switches were, letting the curtains rise. I switched up for the curtains going up, and switched down for the curtains going down.

I quickly went outside and looked up. The Game Shakers sign was up and beautiful, completing the look of the office.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you the owner of this new store?" A woman walked up to me, holding a microphone.

"Yeah. I am." I smiled.

"Who are you and what is this store?" She smiled.

"My name is Babe Carano and this is the new Game Shakers Office." I introduced myself.

"You're a Game Shaker!" She was excited.

"Yes. I am. I asked the owner of the old store Junk 'N' Stuff, Ray Manchester, if I could put my new office here and he agreed. The Game Shakers and I decided to expand if we wanted to become a global gaming company, so we started here, in Swellview." I smiled.

"Well, we can surely expect lots of cool new games coming our way?" She was even more excited.

"Yep. Look out Swellview. The Game Shakers are here!" I spoke, looking directly at the only camera.

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