Nine- Contact

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"Are you crazy Kenzie! I can't possibly move to New York! I'm not even 18 yet!" I panicked.

"Well...look. I figured that you wouldn't want to leave Henry, so Dub and I came up with a second part of the plan." She smiled at me.

"And what is this second part?" I asked, giving her a look.

"We want to make Henry an official Game Shaker." She revealed, nearly making Henry pass out.

"How will making Henry a Game Shaker affect anything?" I was still confused.

"If we expand the company to Swellview and Henry is a Game Shaker, it means that you guys can work on developing games there as well as here. Henry can be a game tester. Even his friends Jasper and Charlotte can help test games." It's like Kenzie had everything sorted out.

"Where will this new expansion be located in Swellview?" I asked, getting to a point Kenzie was excited to talk about.

"Ok, well. From my visit to Swellview, I noticed that one of the shops is a cover for a secret base and isn't really a shop that sells legitimate stuff..." She looked over at Henry.

"Huh? What? Junk 'N' Stuff? Oh no. Ray would not go for that..." Henry sat down.

"What if you and Babe convinced him? I mean, he'd be happy to think about it if it was coming from a Game Shaker...and if Hudson and Trip agree, Henry can become an official Game Shaker game tester..." Kenzie added.

"I'm not talking to Ray at the moment..." Henry argued.

"Fine. Babe can talk to him. Give Babe his number." Kenzie faced Henry. I could see the frustration in his eyes when he clearly remembered that he had Ray's number memorised. He told it to me, walking out of the room, letting me, Kenzie and Dub deal with the call. We connected it to the giant TV.

"Who is it and why are you calling me at night?" A tall, big built man answered.

"Hey Ray, it's Babe, Kenzie and Dub." As soon as I mentioned my name, he smiled.

"What can I do for you lovely ladies and Dub?" He acted sweetly.

"Wait...have you heard from Henry?!" He panicked. Kenzie was about to speak when I secretly nudged her.

"Sorry Ray...we haven't." Dub caught on.

"Anyways, what have I done to deserve a call from the best game developers in New York?" He smiled.

"We have a business opportunity." I smiled.

"Ooh. A business opportunity. What might that be?" He sat down.

"We want to expand our company to smaller towns and cities. Luckily, Dub thought of Swellview." I spoke.

"Ok. What's the opportunity?" He was starting to become confused.

"We have consulted with the rest of our gang, and we have thought that maybe we can turn the cover shop Junk 'N' Stuff into a legitimate gaming office. We'd make the games in the shop, but we can always test them down in the Man Cave with you Charlotte, Jasper and the little guy..." Kenzie spoke.

"My name is Schwoz!" The little dude walked past the screen.

"Anyways. Why should I agree?" Ray was skeptical.

"If we expand our office to your cover shop, we promise that we'll make a follow up game about you and you only. Kid Danger won't be involved." Dub insisted.

"Deal. I'll get Charlotte and Jasper to clean out the shop. How long until you'll be here?" Ray smiled.

"We should be there in the next 24 hours." I added.

"See you then Game Shakers." He ended the call.

"Ok. Now that we have Ray's permission, we just need to convince Henry to return to Swellview..." I frowned.

"Why wouldn't he go back?" Kenzie was confused.

"Look. Henry and Charlotte had a fight that Ray was apart of. He left his watch there and wanted to escape being Captain Man's sidekick for a few days. According to Henry, he won't return to Swellview until both Charlotte and Ray apologise." I felt bad telling them what Henry had told him.

"Henry! The call is over..." Kenzie shouted, watching as Henry walked back into the room.

"Give me Charlotte's number." I insisted as Henry groaned. He gave me her number.

Me: Hi Charlotte. It's Babe from the Game Shakers. I know where Henry is, but I won't say where until you and Ray send an apology video to Henry.

Charlotte: Oh thank god! We will!

After an hour, I saw Henry's phone buzz. It was sent from another phone. He clicked on the video that was clearly sent from his friend Jasper's phone.

"Hey Henry. It's Ray and Charlotte. We wanted to apologise for what happened. You were right. I never should've gotten involved in your relationships. If you want to date Veronika...that's your choice...and we'll support you no matter what. Please...come home." Charlotte looked truly sorry. The video ended.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Henry smiled as I hugged him.

I ushered Dub and Kenzie out of the office, smiling down at Babe.

"Babe...I want to ask you something..." I began as I smiled sweetly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I was still holding her.

"And the hot get hotter." I laughed. She said the exact thing when she found out I was Kid Danger.

"Of course Henry Hart...I'll be your girlfriend." She kissed me sweetly. I couldn't believe that we were leaving for Swellview tomorrow.

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