Ten- Off to Swellview

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"And why are we getting rid of everything in this shop?!" I asked as Ray pushed Jasper and I out of the elevator.

"Because. The Game Shakers called me last night and offered to turn this cover shop into a legit gaming office. I accepted their offer, so I said that I would get you guys to clean out the shop." Ray smiled.

"What about you? You technically are the owner of Junk 'N' Stuff!" Jasper argued.

"I'm also Captain Man...remember?" Ray crossed his arms.

"Fine. Everything in this...entire shop will either be sold or thrown out within the next couple of hours..." I hesitated when mentioning everything.

"Great! Get to work!" He smiled before leaving Jasper and I.

"I'll get a sign saying 75% off." Jasper smiled as I got to work.

"Did you talk to your mom about moving?" Henry asked as I packed a few boxes.

"I talked to my mom and she said that as long as you can 'take care of me', and let me stay with you, she doesn't care." I smiled.

"Well...it wouldn't be very nice if I didn't let you stay with me, seeing as you're my girlfriend." He kissed me.

"Besides, I've stayed at your house before and I know your parents..." I smiled, kissing him back.

"Done." I said, taping the last box shut.

"How will we get to Swellview?" I asked as Kenzie walked into the room.

"Oh, we can just take the bus?" Henry suggested.

"I have a better idea. You and Henry can take Dub's private plane!" Kenzie smiled.

"Wait...really? What about Dub? Did he say we could?" l asked as Henry smiled.

"Well...no. But what he doesn't know won't hurt him..." Kenzie grabbed one of the boxes.

Getting all the boxes onto the plane, we lifted off the ground, Henry sitting on the couch as I sat next to him, scrolling through apps and seeing the latest news.

"Anything?" Henry asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing much. Captain Man stopped a few robberies..." I admitted.
After a couple of hours, we had landed at the Swellview Airport, grabbing the boxes that occupied the bottom of the plane.

Knowing that Babe and hopefully Henry would be at the shop soon, Charlotte checked the front of the store.

"How's everything going?" Charlotte asked as she saw Jasper wave to a customer.

"Nearly everything has been sold. The only remaining is that dinosaur thing..." Jasper pointed to the dinosaur that would breathe fire every time a button behind the counter was pressed.

"We'll keep that. I'm sure Babe will enjoy that." Charlotte smiled.

"Is the shop cleaned out?" Ray asked as he walked out from behind the back.

"Yeah. Are we getting rid of the counter?" Charlotte looked around.

"No. Keep the counter. The shop is basically empty." Ray took down the OPEN and CLOSED sign, that being the only thing apart from the sign out front that needed to be taken down.

Henry and Babe made their way through Swellview, stopping at his house before continuing.

"Babe!" Piper hugged her.

"Hey Piper. Nice to see you again." She hugged Piper back.

"What are you doing back in Swellview? Shouldn't you be back in New York?" She asked, confused.

"That's the thing..." Babe watched as Henry placed on of her boxes on the floor.

"Uh...what's going on?" Piper asked, looking down at the box.

"The Game Shakers and I are expanding, here, in Swellview. Ray Manchester has agreed to let us turn the old, busted junk shop into a legitimate gaming office!" Babe smiled.

"OMG! That's amazing...but that still doesn't explain the boxes being piled on the floor over there..." Piper pointed.

"My friends and I agreed that I should be the one to move here, so I can run the new gaming office...since, apart from Kenzie, I'm the most responsible of our group." Babe smiled.

"Please tell me you're living with us?" Piper looked at Henry, hopeful.

"Her mom agreed to let Babe move here, on the condition that I take care of her..." Henry walked up to the two girls.

"What do you mean...'take care of her'?" Piper had become more confused.

"This..." Henry intertwined his fingers with Babe's.

"You two...are dating?" Piper was about to explode.

"Yeah..." Babe smiled as her other hand held his arm, bringing them closer.

"Congrats!" Piper hugged Babe but hesitated when hugging her brother.

He's back: Henry Danger/Game ShakersWhere stories live. Discover now