Start from the beginning

Katsuki:"...wanna watch a movie?"

Y/N:"Sure! We can call Izuki-"

Katsuki:"NO! I-I mean, just... the two of us."

Y/N:"Oh. Okay."

Katsuki:"Sweet. Let's go down!"

Katsuki grabbed my hand and dragged me by to the dinner room. We sat on her sofa. She picked up the remote, and chose Netflix.

While she searched a movie, I can see her slowly getting close at me.

Eventually, she was next to me, looking for a movie. I can see she was having doubts about something.

Y/N:"Something's wrong?"

Katsuki:"N-no... I just- oh! I founded it!"

She then clicks on Marvel Avengers Infinite War.

Y/N:"Didn't know you like this things."

Katsuki:"Why wouldn't I? Explosions, heroes defeating villains... it's cool!"

It's the first time I see her actually enjoying something without having to try to impress me or-

Katsuki:"One day, I'll be like Thor and win against all of those villains!"

Or not...

She murmured something else, but I didn't hear that.

Well, we are just seeing a movie, right? What could go wrong?

Timeskip brought to us by Katsuki cosplaying as Thor, while Y/N cosplayed as Ironman.


All right Katsuki, calm down, we have this under control... he is enjoying the movie, and is about to end... I just need to turn around, and confess how I-

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring. He picks it up.

Y/N:"Sorry, I'll be back in a moment."

Y/N leaved the room, and entered the kitchen. I tip toed towards the kitchen, and hide behind the wall, listening to the conversation.

Y/N:"Hello, Izuki. What's wrong?"

Bitch, even without being here, you must be in the way.

Y/N:"Oh, yeah, I remember, you want to enroll U.A. right? That's nice!"

What? She doesn't have a quirk! How is she gonna enter U.A? Don't make me laugh!

Y/N:"I can't today, I'm busy. But, I could help you tomorrow?"


Y/N:"Okay then! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye bye, my little CinnamonRoll!"

I silently made my way towards the sofa.

Your...Cinnamon...Roll...huh? You don't put nicknames on me.

Y/N:"Sorry, I'm back."

Katsuki:"Something's wrong?"

Y/N:"No. Plans for tomorrow."

Katsuki:"I see."

I resume the movie. Okay, if Izuki is gonna try to steal what's mine, I have to play harder.

I placed my head on his shoulder. I blush really hard, embarassed. This could go wrong.

But it doesn't.

He places his arm around my shoulder, and brings me closer to him. I hug him, not paying attention to the movie.

Katsuki:"Y-Y/N... I'm really sorry for all the shit I've done... can I be... your..."

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