2050 Alternative

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A mother of only 38 wakes up at 6 am. She does a normal routine of only a five minute shower and a minute of brushing her Teeth. There is no need to waste water. As the sun came up she started turning on the A/C's and lights, she saw a nice breeze and smiled that would improve the electricity today. While she says electrical it no longer is, Every house is run by solar panels and solar paint that harvest solar energy and/or Wind power.

She opens the windows allowing the moist fresh air in, she takes a deep breath The air was clear then its been since the industrial revolution, something she would have never thought possible as a kid. Corporate donations and public money funded the biggest tree plant in human history. Vacant blocks and Alleys were converted into shady groves and roof tops were now floral or vegetable gardens which brought up the bee Population and got them off the endangered species list now they can terrify her to their heart's content. Empty buildings were covered in vines and flora, the city wasn't so bad anymore; actually most of the world's population lived in cities.

She walks downstairs to make breakfast. For a family of four this was an Easy task. It was weird to make food without meat or dairy at first but she adapted. This witch had been in everyone's best interest. It brought down the risk of heart attacks and strokes and most people did this for the betterment of their families health. She had read about how most would be financially insatiable in the years to come and she had worried and she had tried to prepare for it to get a job that seemed practical and like it was worth it,but that wasn't a huge problem anymore. Both her and her husband worked from home. After the pandemic 20 years ago most corporations saw that it was better to have most workers stay home and only come in when necessary.

The two loved this considering they got to spend as much time with their children as possible. Neither of the children were their Biological kids. They were Adopted children, Neither saw it ethical to bring kids into the world when they were younger. Then Adopted their two kids a few years later, the world was still dangerous and rather than put more kids into it they thought they would help the ones already in it. Considering the fact that both of them had snapped at their parents when they were younger about how they never asked to be born, it only seemed appropriate to help others who did ask to be put here.

She loved her kids and she loved that she could give her kids what she had, as a kid she had toys upon toys, she never had to worry about where her next meal was coming from. If you asked a five year old her when and where her next meal was she would tell you "five o'clock on the kitchen table, Daddy's making steak." If you asked an 18 year old her, she would say, "Possible 7 but I have no idea what's happening." And now? Her kids could tell you what time dinner was and what was for dinner every night. No one in the house went Hungry.

Her husband and Children came down for breakfast around 7:30. "Mom aren't you gonna eat." Her twelve year old daughter asked with her head tilted after seeing that there were only 3 plates on the table.

"Yes Darling I just have to get another plate out of the dishwasher." The mother set another place at the table and filled everyone's plates. As a child she would have hated this to see no meat on her plate and just water in her cup. Now she knew the lack of meat was for the best for their health and the animal population and she was just glad to have water.

Her husband took out a laptop and sighed, "Let's see what's up today." he smiled cheerfully as he scrolled through all the wonderful news, it has been like this her kids whole life, and it made her heart swell her, To think about the fact that they would know a world where they could wake up and only hear good news. "Forest covagrate is finally at 50%." the man cheered

"Didn't that already happen?" her eight year old son asked.

"No they were working toward it," her daughter states with a gleam in her eyes.

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