𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 1 [⁴]

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Nagito smiled at Kokichi's earlier comment but said nothing, he helped him investigate. As they were observing and investigating if theres and unordinary thing in the room, in which it definitely did have, Nagito remembered something. He turned to Kokichi, "Hey Kokichi. Earlier, you said that you want to meet with me during investigations. I would assume the you want to ask or talk about something. If so, what is it?" He asked, remembering the earlier events after Monokuma's announcement about The first Murderer.

Kokichi stopped observing the cart when crouching, he pursed his lips, as his cold back faced Nagito. He stood up and turns around, giving Nagito a blank and empty stare, Kokichi smirked, "That's very Clever of you, Koma-chan." He sarcastically mused. Komaeda didn't respond.

Kokichi sighed in disappointment when he received no response from the other Ultimate. He assumes he'll just get to the point. "There's a third party in the plan that you didn't told me about, right?" Kokichi phrased it as a statement, not a question.

Nagito smiled, the light in his eyes is gone, "I do not know what you are talking about, Kokichi. Everything what you are thinking must be just by coincidence. I'm pretty sure that you know how my luck works, right? I am saddened that you doubt me." He replied, hiding both of his hands in his pockets.

Kokichi shook his head and rolled his eyes, he points his thumb at the cart behind him that has a bloody tablecloth inside and while even in a barely lit room, he could still see, "Mind explaining that then?" he said.

Nagito tilted his head, "Explain what exactly?" he asked, smiling at him.

Kokichi deadpans, "Don't act dumb on me Koma-chan. You exactly know what I mean." he accusingly pointed his finger at Nagito, "The third party is Hanamura-chan, Isn't it?" he said.

Nagito still smiled, "Oh? How can you tell? Care to share how'd you know?" he asked, not afraid of revealing the so-called secret third party. He already know that Kokichi is intelligent. He's also observant and analytic. He's a Ultimate Supreme Leader after all. Supreme Leaders are meant to be high and supreme. If not, how could they lead a group or an organisation if their brain is filled with rotten potato?

Kokichi crossed his arms, his eyes looking through Nagito, trying to see if Nagito is mocking him or was being sarcastic with his question. He wasn't.

Kokichi cleared his throat, "Glad you asked, dear Ally of mine!" he chimed while smiling. But it did not last. His smile suddenly drop as he controls the tense atmosphere. In which Nagito feels like he lacks the air to breathe, he feels like its going to suffocate him, and he feels like its drowning him. However, Nagito showed no weakness through the suffocation, which dissatisfied Kokichi that he didn't got the reaction he wanted.

The short Ultimate scoffed, "How'd I know, you ask? That shortstack made it obvious at the very beginning. After I brought the floor carpet like you requested, I've noticed Hanamura-chan was in the dining room with you. Secondly—" he held up his index finger and middle finger, indicating number two, "—he was sweating prefusely while keeping his distance away from you. He was also giving you nervous side glances."

Kokichi's gaze hardened, "That would indicate he discovered something. And that said something is your plan."

Nagito went silent for a while, then he opens his mouth to speak, "How can you be so sure? For all we know, he could be just nervous or terrified because of the Killing Game Monokuma put us through." he reasoned out.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "Although that is true, there are signs that indicates when it started and what caused it." he starts.

"Before Togami planned this party, Hanamura-chan was not that nervous nor terrified like you said. Previously, he didn't believe anything Monokuma had been saying. He would often lie to himself that he's just in a dream or he's just hallucinating. Next is, like I said earlier, when I arrived from buying the Carpet, Hanamura-chan was there with you. Sweating and looking nervous. However, even before that time, before I bought the carpet, I passed by Hanamura-chan who was about to enter the Rundown building, composed and sightly joyful." Kokichi continues to explain his observations. Nagito listens intently. "That would indicate when Hanamura-chan started to feel nervous and wary around you, It was between during and after I left the building. And what most likely cause his nervousness?" Kokichi mused.

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