Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What? I don't see all the fuss." My sister said, scanning the plains.

"It was there, Julz, about 20 beasts. I swear I am telling the truth. They were running. Running towards us." I whispered.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Maybe you need to get some sleep, babe, you are seeing things."

"But I swear I saw...."

She cut me off. "Ok, maybe there was something, but it's gone now ok. Get over it!"

I groaned in frustration and looked out the window again trying to find the beasts again. To prove my sister wrong. She'll see when those things come out again. Then she won't think I am crazy and I will be the last one laughing.

"Mummy, mummy, doggies are outside. Mummy look, blue doggies!" A little boy cried out near the back. My sisters eyes opened and she looked at me.

I looked smug, then my face fell when I realised the driver had said nothing lives out here besides some coyotes and I am pretty sure coyotes aren't that big. We looked slowly toward the boy who had cried out. He looked frightened and his mother looked annoyed. If only she looked outside, she would see that we were surrounded.

A large howl started and the bus lurched sending everyone forward into the seats in front of them. The bus skidded to a halt and the buses light quickly flickered out. Everything was plunged into darkness. I heard some people crying and some groans. I don't think anyone was badly hurt, maybe a few busted noses and bitten tongues but that should be ok.

My sister looked at me and I could just make out her face. Panic was very prominent but most of all was fear. I wasn't panicking too much but I was frightened. I was usually the very calm serene person in the family who could handle anything. But I don't think I have every had to handle a stranded bus surrounded by beasts in the middle of nowhere with no lights. I don't think anyone has.

"Is everyone ok?" the old bus driver said. I couldn't see his face but I could hear his voice which was crackling. They really aren't so tough when something really goes wrong huh.

Suddenly a huge ear drum bursting screech happened. Everyone cried out covering their ears. After it stopped we heard a long howl. Most likely the alpha male. I did some studies on wolf life in university before I dropped out. People cringed away from that side and some stood.

Outside I could see shapes patrolling the bus. I could hear their breathing through an open window. A very strong smell had entered the bus. It smelt like rotting flesh and dirt and sweat but most of all it death.

I heard a loud sob escape my sister's pursed lips. I turned to her and pulled her into my arms. She was probably thinking of never seeing her fiancé again. But at least if we do die, we are together.

She cried into my shirt and more sobs racked her body. I rubbed her back and cooed nonsense into her ear, false reassurance. My lip trembled when bad thoughts entered my mind. I wasn't sure that I was going to die, that we were going to die. But for some reason I knew that others would.

Glass broke and the whole bus erupted in cries. I heard metal bend, twist and break. More of the death smell entered the vehicle. The lights flickered on and everyone stared at the front of the bus where two gigantic beasts stood. They were huge and tall and looked like dogs but there were human features and they were standing on two legs. I think they were able to run on all fours because when I saw them running towards us before they were hunched. They were just able to fit into the bus side by side.

There fur had a light blue tinge to it but in the dark it looked like the colour of the midnight sky. Their faces were long like a dogs but their snout was shorter. Their eyes looked human and their stance and walking ability was definitely human. What the hell were these beasts?

I saw the bus door, or....whatever was left of it. It looked like it was a can and someone had very messily opened the lid. These animals were strong, stronger than anything I have ever read about. These were mutations of human and wolf. But how is that possible? The two can't mate and make an offspring it just not physically possible. Well it is possible for them to mate but entirely impossible to make....pups.

"Who...what the hell are you?" the bus driver said with a bewildered and frightened expression. Actually it was more fascinated than frightened. He was just studying the beasts up and down. They were very close to him and I felt sympathy because for some reason I knew what was going to happen next.

The beast closest to him grabbed his shirt and flung him out the door. We heard the man screaming until there was a loud thud and he stopped. Everyone gasped but did not cry out in case the beasts would come for them next. My sister still cried silently next to me. She was very close to me trying to get as far away from the isle as she possibly could.

Little droplets of sweat had started to form on my forehead. My breathing was labored but I was relatively calm compared to everyone else. A mother was holding her child tight against their chest crying sweet words to him. She made sure that the boy wouldn't see the blue beasts.

Two teenagers hugged each other. Lovers I suppose. I felt sympathy again. Their love had only just begun and most likely it would get taken away. An old couple in front of me was shaking in fear but they were hugging each other close. I knew they didn't fear much because they had lived there life but they feared losing one another.

"We shall take 8 women, and let the rest go free." The beast said stepping forward eyeing everyone. When his eyes landed on me I just stared at him in fascination. This was incredible. An animal could talk, this beast could talk. I was looking at a beast who could talk. He I think was the alpha male.

Then the whole bus erupted in squeals and screaming and horror. People latched themselves onto their loved ones and friends. 8 of them would never see their loved ones again. I grabbed my sister and pulled her closer to the window where I was. She was almost sitting on my lap.

The beasts walked forward, extremely gracefully for their size and posture. A young girl up the front was snatched from her seat and thrown out of the door screaming. Her father started after her, tears in his eyes but the beasts just pushed him down. They chose another girl from two rows in front of us and she was also thrown from the bus.

Next were twin middle aged woman who looked Asian with their straight dark ebony hair. They squealed out pleads before being pushed out the door.

That was four, now four to go. A girl was chosen from right behind us. She grabbed into the seat and wouldn't let go until the beast gave he a strong tug and she screamed. I wanted to help her but I didn't want to be pulled out myself. My sister and I sighed with relief when both the beasts passed us and concentrated on the back passengers.

A young woman was pulled from her seat with her baby boy in her hands. She struggled against them telling them that she had a baby. But they pushed her along. When she passed the couple in front of us the elderly woman held her arms out for the child. With one last love filled kiss she passed her child to the elderly woman before walking down the aisle sobbing.

Tears sprung to my eyes when I tried to feel what it would have been like to lose your child. Words couldn't describe it.

i hope you enjoyed this chater. It gets better and better and better...hopefully! :)





LOVE.......ME <3

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