Change (Obi-Wan)

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*Anakin POV*

Obi-wan and I walk into a training hall to get some Saber practice in before he meets up for his weekly "date" with ___ in the inner city for dinner. The two of them have been together for exactly 2 years now and they are almost always learning new things about each other every day. Oh, did I forget to mention that she just happens to be my older "sister"? My mom found her abandoned when she was 5 and took her in.

We look at each other as we hear the sound of a lightsaber. "I thought that you said no one was here Anakin?" I roll my eyes. "It happened to be vacant when I came by earlier today." We walked in and see ___ fired up and aggressively going at a training probe. "I'm assuming that her meeting with the council didn't go as she had originally intended." I look at Obi-wan. "Weren't you there? You're on the council after all."

"They wouldn't allow me since we've always been so close to each other. Master Windu thought that I would argue for her case whichever way the meeting went." "What was the meeting about anyway?" "Something about her recent mission with fellow Knight Abraxos. Wait, shouldn't you know this? She's your sister after all." "She mentioned it but didn't tell me the reason." He begins to walk towards her and I grab my old master's shoulder.

"I highly advise that you don't go over there at the moment Master." He crosses his arms. "And why would you say that?" "I know that you really care about her but it's best to let her cool off, she's very Pissed off and it's better to not get involved with her when the fire's hot." he looks back at her then at me. "We have known each other since our padawan days and don't think I have ever seen her mad like this." "Of course you would have, she has always been good at hiding her feelings, it's just a part of her that makes her an outstanding Jedi. That's why I was shocked to find out that you were seeing each other." He looks over at her again.

"I See..." I place a hand on his shoulder. "She may not wear her heart on her sleeve but you can tell just by the way she holds herself and if there is one thing that the council should never question is her ability to complete a mission successfully." "You got that right, I just hate seeing her so..." "Tense?" "Yeah, she's always so light on her feet and filled with grace, that why we call her Angel." "When she's mad you notice it by how she holds her lightsaber and her technique is tense." Obi-Wan ignores me and walks towards her.

*Your Pov*

"How dare the council blame me for ruining the mission! I did everything right, it was Abraxos's own damn fault that we were discovered. Screw the council, I've trained my ass off over the years to prove that I'm a Jedi and more than just some orphan abandoned by her birth parents." You focus on the probe droid in front of you as if it were mocking you.

You hear the door open but ignore it and focus on your training. "Well this is an unusual sight for this time of evening, You're usually in you're room and book in hand with a cup of tea by now." Your spirits are lifted a bit at the sound of your Boyfriend's beautiful voice and you shut off your lightsaber. "What bring you here at this hour Obi-wan?" You walk to where he is. "Anakin and I were just coming in for a bit of training before our night out." You sigh. "Is there a chance that we can stay in? As much I would love to go out, I'm not really in the mood anymore." "Of course. What's on your mind? You're not acting like your bubbly self." I hold out my arms and he comes over to me and I hug him tightly.

"Why don't we head back to your apartment so you can shower and I'll make us dinner? Just a quiet evening." "I like that idea a lot." He kisses your head and you both walk out. you both finally make it to your apartment and turn on the lights before going into your bathroom for a shower. After 15 minutes, you come out in shorts and a sports bra along with some of your little brother's extra clothes that he keeps lying around. "I don't know if these will fit you or not but Anakin kept them around for when he would stay the night." You hand them to him. "Thanks love." You switch places with him so he can go shower and change while you finish cooking.

For as long as you can remember, it's always felt like you and Obi-Wan against the world. You were two peas in a pod from the first day you met. He has always been your person and over time that love you felt so strongly for him became romantic and now here you are.

He comes back changed and showered, wrapping his arms around your waist as you finish. "Dinner should be ready soon." He muffles an ok as he buries his head into the crook of your neck. He hides so much of himself when we're at the temple, I wish I could see him like this all the time and not just when we're alone. You turn the stove off and turn around to face him. "Foods ready." After dinner you two are just laying on the couch, Obi-Wan's head in your lap while you read and play with his hair, and just enjoying the other's company in the quiet. With both of you being Jedi, Quality time can be really hard to come by.

"You know whatever is bothering you, you can talk to me. It's you and me always." You close your book and keep playing with his hair. "I know Obi, I'm just not feeling like my best self right now. The meeting with the council didn't go like I thought it would." "What happened? Wasn't your mission a success?" "We were successful until the Asshole decided it was better to charge and face the enemy head-on." He rolls his eyes and I smile. Gods I love this man so much.

"I kept telling him to wait for the right moment and at the time we didn't have a plan yet so that didn't help." "That dumbass..." I nod. " Then During our briefing after we returned, the council wasn't happy and Abraxos had the nerve to blame me for the mission going downhill. I mean come on! I'm your superior for force sake! I've been on hundreds of missions and they were all successful." "The council knows how gifted you are, you've completed every one of your missions since we were padawans and now for them to believe a newly appointed Knight against a vet, that is the most disappointing thing I've ever heard."

I shrug my shoulders and sigh. "I agree but I guess his father has some kind of influence on the council with being a well-rounded businessman and is known throughout the galaxy as the king of merchants." "And your old master didn't have anything to say?" "Master Maelynn went against them saying that I would never compromise a mission and they should allow me to explain my side but I wasn't even given the chance." "This pisses me off." "It's too late to do anything about it now. If they had any common sense then they would have asked me to defend myself but they didn't. Maybe I should just hang up my robes." He sits up and takes my face in his hands.

"Don't do that." I look at him suprised. "Do what?" "Doubt what you can do as a Jedi. You're the most determined person that I have ever meant. You deserve to be a Jedi just as much as that spoild kid does. You have worked so hard for so many years to come this far, don't stop now just because of one stupid person." "I appreciate the sentiment Obi, but this is something that has been on my mind for a while. The missions where great but I think it's time for me to do something else." He looks at me confused. "What would you do?"

"Nothings set in stone but I've been talking with my Master  and Yoda about possibly starting to teach younglings. I've always been really good with academia, so I thought why not share my knowledge with our future Jedi." He stays silent for a few moments. "That sounds like a wonderful idea love, I think you would be a wonderful teacher and you have always loved children." I smile. "I'm glad that I have you support in this Obi, it means the world to me." He kisses me. "It's getting late but let's talk more about it tomorrow." I nod and we walk off to bed.

That's my Obi-Wan. My best friend, partner, soulmate, and world. I couldn't ask for a better person to call mine and only mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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