New beginings 1 (Anakin Skywalker)

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I am walking through the Jedi temple after a meeting in the senate when I hear a voice. "Luke! Leia! Get back here now!" I see one of my oldest friends chasing a little girl and boy about 4 alongside another Jedi about my age maybe a year or two older. "Obi-Wan?!" He stops and tells the younger man to keep going and that he'll catch up.

"Y/N?! It's so good to see you." He embraces me in a hug. "Likewise Obi. How have you been? It's been a long time." "Yeah I know, I've been meaning to contact you but after your father passed and you left, I blamed myself." I touch my hand to his cheek. "There was nothing you could have done. "It took me a while to accept that, but what about you? Last time I heard you were the newly appointed senator of Zelia." "Yeah, my mother stepped down not long after the clone wars ended and I stepped in."

"So what are you doing back at the temple? You left not long after Qui-Gon's passing but not before announcing Grey Jedi status." We walk and I loop my arm through his. " I'm here for an important meeting and decided on taking a trip down memory lane. So what was with the wild goose chase after the younglings?" He scratches the back of his head. "You saw that?" I nod and smile. "Yeah, I did. Are they yours?" "Oh force no! They are Anakin's twins." "Anakin Skywalker? The little boy you and father freed from Tatooine during the trade federation blockade on Naboo right?" He nods.

"Yes, I took him on as my student, he fell in love, and got married right before the clone wars, his wife passed a few years back, and I've been helping raise them." I smile at him. "That's very kind of you Ben. You always had a soft spot for younglings." I eventually hear the twins yelling and coming towards us. "Uncle Obi-Wan! Help us! A monster!" I smile. "Uncle Obi-Wan, huh?" He crouches down, scooping them up and he laughs. "Who's the big bad monster coming after you?" The little girl speaks. "Daddy." The twins look at you.

"Uncle Obi-Wan, who's the pretty lady?" "Luke, Leia, this is Senator Y/N of Zeila, an old friend of mine." "It's nice to meet both of you." The young man catches up. "Oh thank the force you found them Obi-Wan, I was getting worried." He crutches down and looks at the twins. "Now, You two know better than to run off like that." They mumble a sorry and he takes notice of me. "Hello, I'm Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight. I hope these two weren't causing you any trouble." He's so cute! "No trouble at all Master Skywalker." He looks over to Obi.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Obi-Wan?" I blush a bit. "Oh right. Anakin, this is Senator Y/N Jinn of Zelia." I bow a bit and his expression changes to shock but he bows back. "Master Qui-Gon's daughter?" He looks at Obi-wan and he nods. "She trained as a Jedi here at the temple up until he passed, she continued her Jedi studies while learning to be a Senator and is one of the rare Gray Jedi." He looks at me and smiles. "I'm also an old friend of Master Kenobi. He's like an older brother to me." "It's nice to meet you Senator Jinn, I faintly remember your father talking about you a few times." "All good things I do hope." I crouch down and poke Leia in the side as she giggles. "I'm honored to meet a Gray Jedi." "Thank you master Skywalker. It was a long road but I couldn't be happier."

"Please call me Anakin, I know this is a bit sudden but would you like to grab dinner tonight? My Padawan is babysitting the twins so I have the evening free." I cross my arms. "I thought that Jedi weren't supposed to show affection?" Obi-wan speaks up. "After the Clone Wars, they realized love and compassion is what can make a Jedi stronger so it is no longer forbidden." I smile and look at Anakin. "I see. Well then Anakin, I would be honored." He smiles and kisses my hand. "I'll pick you up at 7." I smile at him and he looks at the twins. "Let's leave Uncle Obi-Wan and Senator Jinn to talk, Aunt Ahsoka is waiting for us." I wave to them as they walk away. I faintly hear Leia say something and Anakin replied 'I like her too Princess' and I blush.

"So, I noticed that you and my old Padawan have taken a liking to each other." I smack his arm. "It's nothing like that Ben. It's just two adults getting to know each other as friends." "Really? It sounded like he was asking you out to me." I roll my eyes. "Maybe but he probably has too much to do, let alone date." "That's the first time I've seen him eager to put himself back out there in a long time, he must really like you." " I really like him too, It's hard to find someone with a character like his. She must have been special huh?" He nods.

"She was, She always reminded me a lot of you. You both have a lot in common and when we lost her, he took it really hard." "I understand, I was the same way when I lost my Husband two years ago." He looks at me surprised. "You're widowed?" "Yes, we were married for a year until he got sick and by that time there was nothing that could be done to help him." "I'm so sorry." I smile. "Thanks. He was my best friend, he gave me everything and kept me sane through long nights and hard days." I pull a chain out from around my neck to show him.

"I wish I could have met him." I laugh. "You both would have gotten along really well, He was someone special." "To have captured your love, definitely." I smile at my childhood friend. We had loved each other very deeply at one point but never acted on those feelings. "I miss him dearly but I know he would want me to move on and find happiness again. He was my first love and I'll always love him." "That's how Anakin sees it also, I know how much he still misses her but he has the best parts of her in the twins."

"He seems like such an amazing man and father." He nods. "He is, he had a rough time after they were born but he is genuine. You two will work out just fine, I know it." "Well I should get going so I can finish up some work before meeting Anakin. I will see you before I leave later this week." We share a hug. "Until then milady." I roll my eyes at my old nickname as I walk away.

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