New beginings 2 (Anakin Skywalker)

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     As I finish my stack of paperwork, my little Gray and Blue astromech R3D6, or Bella as I love calling her, greets me. I built her a few weeks after I left the order, I love learning and always up for a challenge and since I already knew basic binary dialect from my training at the temple, I thought that she would be a good companion for the years to come. She beeps happily at me in greeting like normal.

    "Hey Bella, I just finished up the last of my paperwork for the day early since I have a date."  You have a date?! "Yes I do. I know how much we miss Axel, Bella but I promised him I would find love again and that's what I'm doing."  We keep chatting as I put things in their spots around the office. Are you sure about this?  I look at her. "I have never been more sure. We both have lost so much and this could be a fresh start for the two of us, plus I heard he has a cute astromech named R2D2." She gets excited. A new friend! Was he married like you? "Yes, I ran into Obi-Wan earlier today and he told me. She died in childbirth not long after the clone wars ended." I will meet him. I roll my eyes. "At some point you will."

    While getting ready at my vanity I take a moment and grab the holograph frame sitting to my left and smile. The photo is the day Axel and I had gotten married, a lot of people say 20 is too young to marry but I will never regret my decision. We were madly in love knew that we were gonna get married one day, already been together two years prior. We just couldn't wait to experience everything and spend our life together.

    I have learned a lot from losing two of the most important men in my life, the most important being that it's ok to open up your heart to learn to love another. Two years ago when we got the earth-shattering news Axel was really sick and had a short time left, it tore me to pieces but he was determined to make our short time together count. There was no denying that we were soulmates.

    Late one night we were laying in bed cuddled together, He asked me to promise that I would find love again because he had all my love first and that was all that mattered. I had smiled and kissed him saying that I would and he could rest easy knowing that someone else just as amazing would one day take care of his wife.

    "I miss you so much my love but I'm keeping my promise to you and learning to love again. You'll always be in my heart and soul but I need to do this." I look up at the ceiling and feel a comforting presence through the force and smile knowing it's him. He wasn't force-sensitive like me but had always respected my decision with being a Gray Jedi. Your date for the evening is here. "Thanks, Bella. You can go shut down for the night." I stand up and go to the front door. Here goes nothing.

    I smile when I see Anakin standing in the doorway. "You're not in your Jedi Robes." He shrugs. "I figured that since we're going to dinner, I should leave the robes at home tonight." I laugh a little and smile. "Well then master Jedi, you clean up quite nicely." He smiles and looks at me. "Why thank you and you look absolutely stunning ____. Shall we go?" I link arms with him and we walk down the hall. "We shall."

    "So what do you have planned for the night? I heard something about dinner?" "Don't get freaked but I asked Obi-Wan a bit about you to help in planning tonight. I figured that since you two are so close that he could help." He's so cute when he blushes. "Obi is practically my big brother so I'm not freaked out, I think it's actually kind of sweet you asked." "Anyways, he said that you are a pretty chill person so I figured how about a picnic under the stars."

    "It sounds perfect. In all honesty I was nervous about tonight. I don't remember the last time I was on a date." He looks at me. "For real?" "Well yeah, I don't know if Obi-Wan mentioned it to you but I'm widowed like you. My husband will have passed away 4 years ago next month, he got really sick a year after we married and doctors couldn't treat him since his body was already so weak." He is silent and squeezes my hand.

    "He didn't tell me. I'm so sorry, I know what it's like to lose your partner, my wife passed away in childbirth." "Obi-Wan told me." He smirked and I roll my eyes. "What now?" "You asked about me?" I nudge his shoulder and we sit down on the blanket in a small park. "You asked him about me so now we're even Skywalker." He laughs. "What's so funny?" I sternly look at him. "It's nothing, it's just that you are so different from every other women I've ever met. You're courageous, bold, funny, kind, and crazy smart. Your husband must have been quite the guy." I look up at the stars.

    "He was very special indeed. He was one of the few people who know the real me, we were together for two years prior to getting married." "Weren't you still training at the temple then?" "I was back and forth between my home planet and Coruscant since at that time I had started my duties as future senator but it wasn't until we were 20 that we had gotten married. He never quite understood my part-time Jedi status but supported me anyway." He looks at me and smiles then move to the night sky.

    "Luke and Leia seem like wonderful kids." "They are, I am very thankful that Obi-Wan and my old Padawan, Ahsoka help me when they can. It means more than they realize and it helps that the twins adore them." "I would imagine. Now you have an extra set of hands to help out." He looks at me. "Really? You want to see me again?" I kiss his cheek. "Why wouldn't I? You're quite the charmer." He laughs.

    "What's it like being a Gray Jedi?" "It's nice actually, I'm only really needed when there's a mission that a regular Jedi cannot do or if backup is needed." "Did your father train you?" "No actually but I wish he did, Obi and him always told me stories of their missions. Even the mission where they met a special little boy from Tatooine who has a great destiny." He blushes and I grab a strawberry to munch on it.

     We continue to talk until about 1 in the morning. "I should get you home. Ahsoka is probably asleep on the couch with the twins in my apartment as we speak." We make it to my door. "Thank you for tonight Anakin, I didn't realize how much we have in common." "According to my old master, the force works in mysterious ways. I just never expected to find love again after Padmè." "Me neither but I glad because it led me to you." "That's was very cheesy Senator." "How's this then?" I pull his lips down to mine to kiss him and he wraps his arms around my waist.

    "That was good, really good." I roll my eyes and laugh. "Dork." I kiss his cheek. "So did you mean what you said earlier? You wanna see me more? I really like you and just wanna make sure, My life is pretty crazy and I don't wanna bring you into it if you're not ready." "I wanna be in your life Ani, sure there are some dark parts but everyone has those. The bad parts are what make us human. Just as long as you can handle long distance every now and again, I'm a Senator after all." "I would never keep you from your job ____." He kisses me again. "Good. Then I guess we'll be seeing much more of each other Master Skywalker." "I'm looking forward to it Senator."

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