Rosé Garcia

18 1 0

FIB fact file

subject: Savant

Full Name: Rosé Garcia

Age: 17

Born : In Portugal but came to NYC when she was 5

Family: parents deceased/ one sibling /brother

Savant power: any savant she touches she has there power for a short amount if time.

Hobbies: singing and fashion ( designing and making clothes)

Likes: coffee (any type obsessed with it) / any pastries / loyal people

Dislikes: liars/tomato's /...

Background story:

Moved from Portugal to New York City when she was five years old with her brother who was 3 years old and with her parents. When she was 11 years old her mother died of cancer so she and her brother was left with there Father who never really looked after them then when she just turned 17 he pasted away.


Fast forward to Misty's birthday (18)

sky/Summers's outfit styled by Rosé.

Phoenix/Angle's outfit styled by Rosé

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Phoenix/Angle's outfit styled by Rosé.

Crystal/Misty's outfit styled by Rosé

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Crystal/Misty's outfit styled by Rosé.

Crystal/Misty's outfit styled by Rosé

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Rosé outfit

Rosé outfit

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