"I hope so" He sighed. "Okay, bye" He said before the line went dead.


It didn't take me longer than ten minutes to finish filling the papers, the woman told me the number of her room but I didn't really care about that, I wanted to know where she was and after a bit of pleading the woman (whose name was Kathy) she gave up and told me she was at the third floor I thanked her before running towards the stairs to be with her. I ran towards a nurse to ask her where they had her but she didn't answer when she noticed who I was, she stuttered an answer that I didn't quite get but she quickly composed herself and told me a doctor was checking her, she told me the directions, I said thanks again before rushing towards the room.

I didn't knock the door, I just opened the door and was surprised when her sleeping body was surrounded by a nurse and a middle-aged doctor, they both stared at me before talking.

"May I help you sir?" The man said and I had to control my eyes, trying to not focus in the fact that Javi was almost completely exposed in front of this stranger.

"Yes, the girl where have your hands on happens to be my girlfriend" I said crossing my arms, I knew that it was stupid and immature feel jealous in this situation but my mouth thought otherwise.

"We are finishing here, she will be send to her room soon" The doctor said feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"How is she?" I said unconsciously walking towards her and caressing her hair.

"She is good, she is responding well to her treatment at the moment"

"When is she going to wake up?"

"I'd say no more than four hours" He said checking his watch. "We'll be moving her now, she needs to rest. You can go to her room now, someone will take her in a few minutes" He said and I nodded.

"Okay, thank you" I said walking towards the doctor and shaking his hand.

I left not before leaving a kiss on her forehead. I decided to take the stairs and see if there was a cafeteria or something open because I was starving, I walked a bit before finding one where I bought two Red Bulls and a muffin, after spending almost ten minutes there I led myself to her room but she still wasn't there, I sighed before inspecting the room, it was pretty dull and it had a lot of weird things, the bathroom was big and white, very white. I waited for almost ten minutes when two nurses appeared with her body on the stretcher, they greeted me before accommodating her.

"We'll be checking her every hour, if something happens just press the blue button right there" She pointed it. "We'll be leaving now but just call if you need anything".

"My name is Kimberly, if you need anything" The other nurse said, flirting? with me, the other nurse took her by the arm before quickly exiting the room.

I sighed before throwing myself on the chair beside her, I took her cold hand in mine and admired her, just admired her beauty... I've always said that her eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen but even with them closed she manages to be the most beautiful person in the world, even without make up and uncomfortable clothes, she was beautiful and she was mine, no matter what happened in the past, here begins a new chapter and this one is forever.

"Hey, I know you probably can't hear me" I said awkwardly. "Please wake up, it's killing me seeing you like this" She didn't move. "Did you ever think that we'd be together like this again when you left? I didn't, I thought I would never see you again, I thought you didn't want to see me again" I said chuckling dryly. "Do you remember when we first met? I never thought I was going to meet someone like you, someone as beautiful inside and out, so funny, down to earth and caring, someone who truly loved me for who I was as a person, ignoring everything that people said about me" I took a deep breath and continued. "This sounds like if you're going to die" I chuckled with tears in my eyes. "Never in my life I thought that I was going to love someone as much as I love you, you are out of this world and maybe I don't deserve you because of everything I have done but I don't care id I don't, I'm selfish and I won't let you go, not again, never again" I tightened the grip on her hand. "We'll fight for this from now, because this is real and will last forever and because I love so much I can't even understand it" I calmed myself a bit before carefully placing my forehead on her cheek. "Please wake up, princesa"

A few seconds passed when I felt her arm moving, I lifted my head so fast it hurt but I didn't care, she moved her head from one side to another a few times before opening her eyes, she didn't recognize the place at first but when she did her eyes opened widely and tried to move but she the pain stopped her, she groaned in pain placing her hand on her stomach.

"Javi? Oh my God, thank you" I said carefully hugging her.

"I was so scared" She said weakly and I felt tears falling from her eyes.

"You are safe now, I'm with you" I said and my voice sounded muffled.

"It hurts" She whined and I separated my body from hers.

"What hurts, baby?" I said worried.

"Everything" She cried. "I can't move"

"It's okay, baby. I'll call the nurse" I said quickly walking towards the door but her voice stopped me.

"Ney" I turned. "Please don't leave"

And that's when the blue button appeared in my view, I smiled at her before walking towards her and pressing it.

"I won't baby, I won't"


did you see the paper towns trailer omggggggggg ive been waiting years for this moment!

IM SO SORRY I KNOW YOU HATE ME BECAUSE IT'S BEEN LIKE A MONTH OR IDK BUT IM SOOOORRRY! school is being an absolute bitch (i had a math test today and it went horrible) BUT THEY'RE (pretty much) TOGETHER NOW SO YOU CAN UN-HATE ME lol

i'll try to upload again on sunday but it's not sure because i have four tests this week so :'D

i was playing volleyball today and (i suck) so i think i did something wrong because my wrist's been hurting since then but now it's becoming unbearable, no joke :)

im sorry if there's any mistake but, like i said, my wrist hurts so bad it's taking me so long to write this.


now im going to watch insurgent with my friends omg im so excited i reread the books this past weeks to be even more prepared and i dont even know what im typing but im so excited fdhvbjshdsuiafgaisudf.



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