Peter says " after Paige. Which could mean around the first he first met Kate." Scott looks confused and shock at Peter.

Scott says " Derek and Kate knew each other?" Peter smirks and turns to Scott.

Peter says " biblically. That's right, Scott. You weren't the first wolf to climb into a hunter's bed." Scott gives him a *really* look.

Peter says " okay, Derek went to the site of the house thinking that it was still there, right?" As he paces and then turn to us.

Scott says " yeah. But he doesn't remember the fire."he looks at Peter.

Peter says " but If he doesn't remember the fire, then he does not know that it was Kate that set it." As he paces.

I say " so what does that mean?" I'm getting real angry and frustrated as the time goes by.

He looks at me then starts to pace again he says " Kate didn't just take him back to being a teenager." He stops pacing and turns to us. He says " she took him back to the age where he still knew her." As he walks up to us. " when he still trusted her." As he turns to Scott. Scott looks shocked.

Stiles calls Scott and Scott answers as I listen. Stiles says " no, he's in your bedroom, he'll be totally fine. To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek. So, if you actually think that Kate's coming to find him..." stiles stops talking I wonder why tho. He then says " you might be right."

Me, Malia, and Peter run to the door when Scott says " wait" we turn to him.

Peter says " for what? Kate out there twisting her way into Derek's head yet again. We need to find her." Scott starts to walk towards us.

Scott looks at us. Malia says " all we need's a scent." Scott looks at her.

Scott says " that could take hours. If we want to get ahead of her, we need to figure out where she's going." As he in front of us.

Peter says " not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties, but we're not exactly a brain trust of geniuses here." As we look at him and he looks at us." Scott pulls his phone out.

Scott says " then maybe we should call one." As we look over to him.

Scott calls Lydia I hear her say something about a body then " we called stilinski. They're on their way." as she clears her throat.

Scott says " what does it look like? Can you send pictures?" She does not answer which I'm guessing she's working on it.

She says " uh, okay. But..." she clears her throat and says " to be honest, I have a 4.0 in ap biology, and these are parts of the human anatomy I have never seen before on these walls." She sighs the grunts of disgust.

She sends the picture and it is disgusting. I say " why would she want to kill a gas station attendant?" As I look at Peter.

Peter says " I don't think she could help it. This was done in a frenzy. It's not a murder. It's a symptom." We look at Peter.

Scott says " if what?" Peter looks up from the phone.

Peter says " she can't control the shift." Peter looks at scott.

Scott says " Derek said he had the same issue on the full moon. Then he was still learning." Malia looks over to Peter.

Malia says " Kate's still learning?" Peter looks at her.

Peter says " she wants to learn." As I look over to Peter.

I say " so she wants Derek to teach her?" He looks at me.  Scott looks over to Peter.

Peter says " no. She wants the triskelion." Scott eyes goes wide.

We get to the school we run up the stairs but me and Malia stop cause we smell something. Scott and Peter stop too and turn to us.

Scott says " did you guys catch a scent?" Me and Malia look at him.

Me and Malia say " it's the same one." We look at each other. We turn around.

Malia says " the same one as Mexico." Peter looks at her.

Peter says " what are they talking about?" Peter looks at Scott as Scott looks at me and then him.

Scott says " one of them came after us in the church ruins." I look at Peter.

Malia says " and one in the road." As Peter looks at her

I say " I followed one into the church ruins in coyote from." Peter looks at me. Peter looks around.

Me and malia walk up to them. Malia says " they couldn't have followed us here." Scott looks at her.

Scott says " but they could've been brought by Kate." We then hear a growl. We turn to find it but can't see it yet.

Peter says " oh, I've heard that sound before."
We look at him. He says " did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull over its face?" He looks at me and malia.

"Yes"  " I think so." Me and malia says at the same time. Scott looks at Peter.

Scott says " what are they?" Peter looks at him then to behind me and malia we hear another growl. We hear it walking.

Peter says " berserkers." We turn and look at it. Me and malia growl and go to run to it but gets stopped which made me anger.

Peter says " are you guys crazy?"  The berserker growl again.

I snap and say " there's just one of them!" He looks at me in shock then back to normal.

Peter says " and thats means we have a chance." He still has us as we try to attack.

Malia says " to beat him?" The berserker growls again.

Peter says " to survive." He lets go of us and run. We look at him then to the berserker. And then run after Peter. The berserker starts to run after us.

We keep running Scott behind me and malia are side by side. We stop because there is one in front of us. We back up slowly to the stairs as it walks towards us. The other one comes in front of us.

Malia says " Scott. It's both of them. They're both here." As we back up and going up the stairs.

Scott says " where the hell's peter?" They keep getting close.

I say " we don't know. He just took off." We face the front and run. We turn back towards it then in front when we hear another one. We stop they all are here.

Scott roars at one of the berserkers as he jump over it. Me and Malia look at him. He claws at it and me and Malia go and attacked the one in front of us. We claw at it just like Scott. It then scratches me in the side and malia in the thigh. It grabs us and throws us into the stairs. We look up at it as it looks down at us.

Me and Malia go back as it walks towards us. Scott then gets thrown beside us. We all scoot back as the one me and malia fought walks towards us and the one Scott fought is now up the stairs and walking towards us.

Kira then comes and hits the berserkers with her sword. She looks at us and Scott yells " Kira!" Cause the berserker knocks her sword out of hand and hits her she goes next Scott. They both growl as they are in front of us.

We see Derek comes up and attacks the berserkers. Then there was a roar and the berserkers then leave. We stand up and I help malia stand cause she can't. Scott says " Derek?" Derek turns to us and he is older but his eyes are different they are yellow.


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