The dark moon

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I am running around Mexico when I catch a smell like death and follow it all the way to a church it goes into the temple under ground and I follow. there's a sound that echos through the temple. I walk off towards where the sound came from. I see three people two boys and a girl. One of the boys looks at me his eyes glows red. I glow my blue ones he looks at me and says " Blake?" Then he roars and I turn back to human.

I look at my hands then to him as he hands me his jacket cause I am naked. He helps me stand up I wrap to jacket all the way around me. He tells me his name and the girls and boys name too. We walk out of the temple as they carry Derek. We see people walk up to us.

They stare at him and me. A girl says " is that him. Is that Derek?"she look at the boy beside her.

The boy says " uh, sort of." Derek lefts his head.the boy then turns to me and says " who is you?" I look at him and Scott's looks over to me.

Scott says " that is Blake, Blake woods. She is a werecoyote just like malia." The girl I think is malia looks at me I look at her I feel like a have some type of strong feeling to trust her.

The boy says " where is she going to stay?" Scott looks at him.

Scott says " you." Stiles looks at him.

The boy says " me wh- why me. Why not you?" He stutters it out.

Scott says " my dad that's why." The boy looks at him shocked.

The boy says " fine, I will take her with me. she can take a shower and Malia can give her some Clothes." We get into a jeep and drive to Beacon hills.

I learned all there names and stuff about them.
I did not tell them about how I turn into a coyote. The boy I learn is Stiles drops off Kira and takes me and Malia to his house. He leaves with Scott and Lydia.

I shower and Malia gives me clothes. I couldn't sleep Malia helped me learn how to get my claws out and hear. We then fell asleep together.


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