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Tubbo walked over to his desk in the corner of his room and opened his laptop, immidietly opening youtube and starting to look for something interesting to watch.

He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the screen and jumped slightly, he still wasn't used to his human form, and he hated being reminded that he couldnt switch out of it now.

I mean he was glad that he got to live a normal life again, but lying to everyone around him was irritating, he hated that he couldnt just be himself around them.

He quickly snapped out of his train of thaught and started to look for videos again, he wasn't expecting anything good but there was one video that caught his attention.

It was from that stupid kids channel "Tom's vlogs" but that diddnt matter, it was title that struck him.

"The abandoned warehouse wasnt so abandoned...."

Which yes, that couldve been any warehouse, but the one in the thumbnail wasnt just any old building to tubbo, it was the building that haunted his dreams, one he could never forget.

So he clicked on it, and started watching, it all seemed normal, until it got to a part where they found a small hole underground, it seemed insignificant at first, until a face appeared on screen that he thought he would never see again.

He must be dreaming right? Ranboo was dead. The facility killed him. He saw with his own eyes, he knows what he saw.

That was just a guy in a costume right? They were tricking him. This was for the views.

He un paused the video and continued watching, not expecting to see anything more of interest, but when he saw ranboos face right infront of him again, stuttering his name out, he knew it was him, and he knew he needed to find him again.

He left a simple comment on the video,

"Hello. This is the "furry boy" from the abandoned warehouse. I was hoping we could get in contact?"

He posted it, and just a few minutes later he got a reply from Tom's vlogs.

"Yes of course, we can message privately via twitter?"

Happily he replied with "sure" and opened a new tab on his computer, searching up twitter and starting to create an account.

Soon enough they were talking, apparently ranboo was in their living room watching spongebob square pants, which made tubbo giggle.

He wanted to just have a nice conversation with these people, but he knew there was alot of more important stuff that needed to discussed, so he asked what had happened, where ranboo had been, and the reply he got hurt. God it hurt more than anything had in a while.

Tubbo took a break after that, but they continued talking for a few hours, sometimes about random stuff but the conversation always ended up back to ranboo, and reuniting the pair again.

It was settled that ranboo would come to the uk, and that the video of him would be taken down, as to hide the fact that he was alive.

Tommy and wilbur had decided to stay in the uk with ranboo for a while, since he couldnt stay with tubbo as he was pretending to be human, and bringing a 6'6 alien home kinda blew his cover.

Tubbo went to bed that night happier than he had been in a while, and by a while he meant a long time.

The next couple days were a blur, he was so full of excitement for seeing his freind again it was the only thing he could think about, to the point where he almost told his guardians about it, but he stopped himself just before he could.

And then the morning came, ranboo was just a short bus journey from his home now, and he was so excited he haddnt even slept.

He quickly got his clothes on and grabbed his backpack that he had prepared the night before, and then he swiftly left only leaving a small note on the counter saying he would be back before midnight.

Then just like that he was on the bus, about to actually go see ranboo again, his leg was bouncing uncontrollably and his mind was racing with a million thaughts.

He looked out at the view of the countryside for only and a fe minutes, before he found himself stood outside of a small house, it looked quite homey, he liked it.

He had to stop himself from running up the steps, ranboo was right there! Just inside that house!

He knocked on the front door far too many times and it was soon opened by a tall blonde teenager, around sixteen or seventeen.

"Youre tubbo right?"
"Yes, thats me, wheres ranboo?"
"Hes in the living room watching tv like always, but what happened to your...yknow hybrid appearance?"
"Oh yeah, I figured out how to turn myself human so I dont get killed or anything, but I can still turn back so he'll recognise me?"

He ushered for tubbo to enter, and he happily did, before standing awkwardly in the hallway.

"Do you know if there is a spare room I can use real quick?"
"Oh yeah sure just up the stairs and to the right!"

He found the door he was looking for with ease, and just five minutes later he was stepping out of it in his natural form, his ram-like state, which felt so good after so long of hiding as a human.

He walked down the stairs and saw not only tommy, but wilbur waiting for him.

"You ready to see ranboo again?"
"More than ready!"

All of their faces were plastered with massive grins, this was such a happy moment, tubbo haddnt felt like this in so long he couldnt remember the last time he was this happy, and it felt so good.

The door to the living room was right infront of him, so he took a deep breath, twisted the handle, and walked in.

Ranboo looked exactly as he remembered, except now he had normal clothes on, and the stupid cuffs from the facility were long gone.

It brought a smile to his face, knowing how happy his friend was right now, and how happy he was gonna be in just a few seconds.


Ranboos head snapped back at his voice, and he immidietly jumped up when he saw his face, he ran into tubbo with so much force that he got the wind knocked out of him, but he embraced his freind nonetheless, and they stayed like that for a good few minutes before pulling apart, almost as if they were afraid to lose eachother again.

"I missed you. So much."

"I know. I did too. But I promise you I will never leave again."


Hi! Double update pog, I think this really needs some explaining because there is so much that I left out

So first, what the fuck happened to the facility? Well, a couple years after ranboo woke up in the "void" there was a tragic accident which resulted in it being burned down, very few scientist survived, and tubbo was one of the few creatures that survived. They used the warehouse concept as a cover up, but never closed off the area so alot of youtubers used it for content, somehow they never found ranboo. Tubbo at first was stuck looking like a hybrid so media used him for again, pure content, and he was dubbed "furry boy" , he figured out how to turn human and ended up in the foster care system, it wasnt hard for him to be adopted by a young couple, which was lucky considering he was two years from aging out. He was told that ranboo was dead, but still asked people to find him online, that's how tommy knew who he was.

Also, why diddnt he transform before? Well before he was just hiding in the woods, he saw no need to pretend to be human, so he never tried, after going into the real world though, he knew it was a matter of life and death, so he needed to, he spent a long time figuring it out, it wasnt just overnight.

And all I can say on how the hell ranboo survived, is idk hes an alien

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