Chapter 20 Happiness

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Venti's Pov

I said my word, which Barbara was stunned to hear.

"What? What do you mean?" She asked.

"Barbara, you shouldn't rely on me to be happy. I mean before you knew about my true self, I always saw you worship me and pray to me for guidance." I begin.

"Yeah and it helped right?" Barbara said.

"Yeah it did, but what I mean is that you should rely on me or Barbatos which is still me, to be happy. Like right now, I'm happy to have you here with me, but I don't rely on you to keep me happy all the time." I said.

"But I-" I cut her off and still resumed speaking.

"I heard your prayers and you're really unhappy when you're at the cathedral. Sure you might have some joyful moments but most of the time you're just like your sister. Overworked and no breaks. Try to find something positive to do to make yourself happy instead of relying on me when I'm gone." I explained.

"Do you remember when I left you so you can have space? When I did, I could still hear your prayers, some sad but most of them happy that you were enjoying some moments without me. Try to do those positive things that make you happy. Let me ask you this, if I was away for a while and you were working or maybe doing something that I'm not around, would you be sad or feel gloomy that I'm not around?" I asked.

Barbara's eyes widened and she looked away. I can tell that she might lie or say something that isn't true. The blonde deaconess was living in denial once again.

"Well.....yeah, I'll be sad if you were gone. That day when you left I cried so hard every night, but every morning I had to fake a smile so people wouldn't be concerned. But I did try reading, drawing, taking a nice walk, just to distract myself from being sad." Barbara replied.

I gave her a small peck on the lips.

"Being with someone will make you even happier, but I don't want you to be relying on me to make you happy. Like many men and women love each other and both get benefits, happiness, children, etc., but their love is unstoppable and unbreakable. Even if they're away from each other, they're still going to be together and connected. Plus on top of that, they're still happy if they don't see each other." I said.

When I said this sentence, I realized that Barbara's eyes began to water. I felt the warm tears hitting my chest as she gently sobbed onto it.

"Oh my gosh! M'lady I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just trying to find a way for you to be happy on your own. I love you so much." I said, gently patting her on the head

"No no, it's're correct! I have been sad for a long while. Remember when I said that being an idol and working at the cathedral is my duty? But like I said I want to try something new rather than just being an idol stuck in a cathedral. Again I enjoy helping people, healing them and making sure they're safe from harm. But-" I kissed her before she could speak.

"I know how you feel. You feel trapped, you want to surpass your sister, but why now surpass her by doing something else for now. You should try to find a new passion. I mean if you're enjoying the healing process for people, why not find one now?" I asked.

"But I can't abandon those people in the cathedral, and it might be sinful-....uhh never mind..." Barbara said.

I sighed with my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

"It's not sinful. You need to stop thinking like that. You know the real me. You know that I'm Barbatos and I'm not gonna punish you for doing what I said." I explained.

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