Chapter 19 Fight part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ahh! I'm glad you're here. I need your assistance." Zhongli said to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm gonna break all of his fingers and his hand, and I need you to heal it, then I'm gonna break it again, and repeat. We need the information so we can report back to Mondstadt and Liyue. Just in case an attack happens." Zhonglii said, eyes closed as he was trying to ponder while talking to me.

Also yeah I figured out that Zhongli was an archon, Venti told me yesterday evening when we hung out. I just hope we can win and have another hang out or a date together. As I was pondering, Zhongli broke the clone's hand again, making the clone tear up as the sheer pain hits his nerves.

Venti flew down, holding onto evil Aether, pinning him onto the ground. Mona came by and splashed him with hydro magic, making his body all wet. Venti jumped and Eula struck him with her blade causing him to be frozen in cold ice.

"Good work!" Zhongli said, then he tossed his hand towards the clone with full motion and force, causing chunks of geo and rock to trap the clone inside.

"Good work everybody. Now you all can go back home now, also here is a bit of mora for your help." Zhongli handed each one of us a bag of mora. "I'll find a way to make them talk, since one of them is being difficult to talk to. I think I have an idea. You all may go home and let me find a way to make them speak." Zhongli said.

"But what about the healing and question part?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Now accept the moras and please return back home." Zhongli said, putting his hand onto his chest.

"Wow! Since when do you carry mora? The last time I remember is that you don't carry mora. How Ironic!" Venti laughed.

Zhongli rolled his eyes in annoyance.

After the mess was over and everyone was back at Mondstadt, Venti and I were sitting and eating at Good Hunter. Sara whipped us some good tasty meals as Venti kept being flustered while he constantly commented on my looks.

"Eat your food or I'll forcefully make you eat it." I said playfully, trying to act all upset.

"But you're so adorable though. Also I was wondering about something..." Venti stuttered a bit.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What does your hair look like when it's not tied up in a pigtail?" Venti blushed as he wanted to see my full hair. I just giggled.

"I see that you're really curious to see." I giggled. I begin to untie my hair and let it flow down like a blanket. It reached the middle of my back (the length), and Venti's reaction was priceless.

His eyes sparkled as he blushed to see that I look really beautiful.

"You're so........pretty! So beautiful!" Venti puts his hands onto his face with a shocked expression.

I just laughed at his expression, he embraced me.

"I'm so happy to have a person who loves me. But there are some issues that I might have to deal with." Venti said, his happy joyful expression swiftly switched to a sorrow and sad expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's just that.....I'm an archon and I'm just really scared." Venti said.

"Scared of what though? It's kinda funny seeing a mighty god being scared." I joked, which made Venti chuckle a bit.

"Since I'm an archon, I'm just scared that I might lose you!" Venti said, his voice cracked as tears slowly overflowed from his eyes.

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