Chapter two

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Ariana turned around, hearing her heavy and strong breath, and saw a black shadow going among Billie. She looked back at Billie, the shadow went past her. After that, Billie was missing. She thought she had gone, crazy for mad, or even “coo coo!” She went swimming towards the sun, so she could go above the water and look for Billie, all she could see were flying fish jumping, chasing the sun. She went underwater again, and somehow saw a creature that had salient white teeth, quite paltry eyes, colossal scales along its back and long horns. She looked at it close but the shadow turned and swam away from the human creature. 

She had no time, dinner starts in an hour. She had to go, “You can’t leave Billie!” A voice told her. “But I have to get home before dinner!” She told herself. Her sweat came pouring down like rain in the monsoon season. 

It would be boring, or even dull to go through what happened next. Therefore, I will give you one last scene. You will have to “fill in the holes” of this story that happened.

Disco music was going on at Ariana’s, I could’ve sworn you could even hear it on the other side of the world. It seemed as if nothing had happened. You could hear screaming noises, excited for something, or…

even someone…

“Ding dong.” The door-bell rang. Ariana rushed to the door.

“Ooh! It’s her!”

“I wonder how she is doing!”

Voices started getting more ecstatic than ever, like they were about to explode the house!

“Ca-check!” The door knob opened, by the host of the party, Ariana herself.

Blaze of light from the gaps of the door went shining, you could see the beaming light from the bright, disco room.

And there the person stood. Who could they be? Now that’s a mystery that you, as the reader, should solve.

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