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Zayn is a simple guy. Not the simple guy one sees in the Dramas. No, that's not how Zayn likes to describe himself. He's simple in the most boring way possible. He never asked for anything for himself other than mental peace. He's not someone who wants to spend their Friday nights, partying around or getting a blow job, in a dirty club. Never been a fan of One Night Stands and thought it's better to jerk off alone than giving that pleasure to a random stranger, whom in other circumstances, he won't even spare a look. He is more of an either be in a relationship or stay single.

Even when everyone around him got into a relationship, he stayed single. That also happened in college when his acquaintances got into relationships, broke up and got into another relationship, one thing remained the same.

'The mysterious nut to crack, Zayn, is still single'.

What always manages to amuse him everytime is how everyone sees him as someone mysterious. Everything he does, is either of great importance or suspicious. While most of the times, it's just plain stupid! He still remembers that one time, when he tried to help a girl by picking up her books from the ground, he had to control the urge to roll his eyes around everyone in the hall.

"Omg... is that Zayn helping her?"

"Is he you know... trying to hit on her?"

"He remained single all this while to date HER?!"

If that wasn't awful enough, the words his friend (acquaintance), Ricky, said to him on the same day-

"Malik!!! No way, you are telling me that you are finally getting laid?!! Good for you, good for you!"

Zayn tried to use every brain cell he has to think how helping someone is related to getting laid. And when he realised that he's surrounded by idiots, he stopped himself from snapping at them.

'Last week I helped a lady while grocery shopping. Does that also mean that I'm interested in a woman of my Grandmother's age?!'

It's always like that. He has this truckload of sassy replies for everyone but he never says it. Instead he says it in his head and believes that it's better than wasting his time on people.

Everything was peachy until one day because of peer pressure he decided to date this girl, named 'Jasmine'.

It's not that Zayn didn't like her. She was nice, witty, smart and what not...

So when Zayn's supposed friends forced him to say yes to the girl who asked him out, he did.

'Let's see how dating life works for someone like me.'

The few months were smooth. Too smooth for Zayn's liking. She never argued with him over anything. She didn't even say anything when Zayn didn't meet her for once during his exam week. She was understanding and Zayn liked it.

'Maybe this is what I was looking for...'

Their relationship was good. Too good for Zayn to believe in it. All they did was talk about each other, their likings, their secrets (not exactly) and most of all it was good as they were similar and-


But nothing lasts forever. Zayn got to know this hard truth on the day of their 3rd Month anniversary.

They had decided to have dinner in this fancy restaurant which was fancy yet less crowded, just like how they both liked. It was later on the same day that Zayn realised -

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