
As soon as I walked through the door of my old home, I knew by the expression my mom held that she could immediately tell how bad things were. I haven't actually seen her or dad in a few months, so I can only imagine how bad I look, especially with my recent unfortunate sleeping habits. Before we sat down in the living room, I took a few minutes to look around the familiar, comfortable place. Everything is as it always is, and being back here has reminded me of how badly I miss it and my parents.

My mom followed me around the house and asked, "What is it, honey?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just reminiscing, I guess. I never realized how much I missed this place. It'll always be home, ya' know?" I said, and she chuckled.

"Yes, I do understand what you're saying. As long as your father and I live here, it will always be your home," She confirmed, and I smiled.

"Where's Dad?"

"He's at work already and should be home sometime this evening," She answered, and I nodded my head.

"Do you have to go in today? If you do, I don't want to keep you from your work or patients," I stated as she shook her head at me.

"I took the day off," My mom then said, and I looked at her.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because my daughter needs me, of course," She replied, and it caused me to get choked up and emotional. Damn my period and emotions.

"I did something stupid, Mom... I don't know if Mia will ever forgive me..." I revealed to her, never looking at her while I said it.

"Where is she, and is she okay?" My mom quickly asked, which made me mentally smile at her concern. My parents will always love and care for Mia. I'm so happy about that.

"As far as I know, she is okay. She went to stay with her mom for a while. I texted Ali last night, and she said Mia made it to her house safely. I just don't know how she is emotionally after what happened between us," I said, and my mom nodded her head.

"If Mia spent some time away from you, it must have been bad, huh?" Clara added, and I sighed, giving her a non-verbal answer.

By this time, my mom and I retired to the living room, and as we sat down together, she said, "I'm sure she will forgive you, but... what did you do? You sound mysterious at the moment."

"I got upset that we haven't spent time with each other like we used to. I wanted to, but Mia had received a text, and when I asked her to spend time with me, she said that she couldn't. She had to go back to work, and I... I kinda' snapped at her, Mom..." Tears decided to fall upon remembering those hurtful words I spoke to my beautiful lover.

"Shhh, it's okay, honey," My mom said and pulled me into a comforting embrace.

"It's not okay, Mom... you don't even know what I said to her... I was so... mean, I've never been that way to her before," I added as she extracted herself from our embrace.

"Okay then, enlighten me," She countered. I looked down at my hands that were resting in my lap as I spoke.

"Well... I raised my voice, cursed at her, and accused Mia of cheating on me..." I answered my mom. I could feel her eyes on me, and I knew I couldn't look at her. Not yet anyway.

"Cambria Clover Jones, why would you say such a thing to her, let alone accuse her of something we both know to be very impossible?" My mom subtly exclaimed. She never yells at anyone, but she surely knows how to make you feel all the emotions through her words and the tones she uses.

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