Chapter 5: Viridian Revelations

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As the morning sun rose over the town of Pallet, Red and Leaf started their journey towards the city of Viridian. They were a few miles outside of the city, when Red realized that his companion had stopped and was staring longingly at a branching route.

"Hey Leaf, what's up?" He asked out of concern.

Leaf looked like she was just brought out of a day-dream "Huh?" She gasped as she quickly looked over at him "Red… you know what's down this route?"

Red scratched his head "Umm…Leaf? You do remember I haven't been here in years right?" He explained as he looked down the path.

From what he could see, the path was all windy and seemed to lead into a dense forest "Last I remember….the only thing down that's down this route is an old abandoned mansion." He noted as he rubbed his temple in thought "But for all I know….it's probably gone by now."

Leaf lowered her eyes to the ground "I see…"

"Umm…do you want to check it out?" Red asked, seeing that Leaf was clearly bothered by it "I'm in no rush to get to Viridian."

Leaf shook her head "N-no it's alright…." She mumbled as she started walking away "Just forget about it…"

Not wanting to get her upset, Red decided it would be best to drop the subject, but he couldn't deny that he was curious what was down that path as well.

As the two continued to walk along the path, Leaf turned to Red and asked "So…why are we going to Viridian City again?"

"We're going to see an old friend of mine." Red explained "Even though we still keep in contact; this will be our first time seeing each other again in years!"

Leaf raised her eyebrows "Oh what's he like?" She asked out of curiosity and watched as Red proceeded to roll his eyes.

"Oh….he's…..unique in his own way…." He chuckled to himself and Leaf couldn't help but giggle as well.

The two continued to chat with one another and it wasn't long before they reached their destination.

In the years since Red had left, Viridian city had grown exponentially in size. Most of the Viridian forest was removed and the city was now bustling with people.

"Wow…I barely recognize this place…." Red thought as he and Leaf stopped just outside of the city.

"Alright Leaf; I'm going to head over to the gym." He explained as he pointed in the direction of the gym "Feel free to go browse around for a while until I get back okay?"

Leaf looked shocked "Huh? Why? I wanna meet your friend too!" She pouted, but Red defiantly shook his head.

"You will….but not right now…." He nervously replied.

"Why, not?"

Red sighed as he worryingly looked towards the gym "Cause I don't know how happy he's going to be to see me…."

As such, Leaf stomped the ground in frustration "Fine!" She yelled. But, before she could start walking away, Red quickly grabbed her hand.

"Leaf, promise me you won't steal anything while we're here!"

A sad expression formed on Leafs face "Aww your no fun Red!" She pouted, but Red was serious and narrowed his eyes.

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