Part two: Called to office

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You were currently inside of the A.A.H.W base, eating your lunch in the cafeteria like you usually did when all of a sudden you heard "his" voice over the intercom; The Auditors voice.

"Could Y/N please come to my office as soon as possible? Once again, could Y/N please come to my office as soon as possible? Thank you."

Oh no. Why was he calling you into his office? Your brain suddenly swarmed with thoughts as you got up from the bench you were sitting at, putting whatever you had in your hands at the moment down as you started to head to his office.

While you were heading down the halls to his office, you kept thinking to yourself, "Did I do anything wrong?" "Why does he need to speak to me out of everyone here?" Whatever the case was, you eventually arrived at the door to his office. You took a minute to relax, taking a deep breath as you opened the door, heading inside the office.

"...Ah! Y/N, it's a pleasure to see you. Please, come here for a moment, I would like to discuss something with you."

"Yes sir!" You replied in a quick tone of voice, walking up to the Auditor, who was currently sitting in his desk chair, facing you.

"I came here to discuss something I saw in your notebook that you left on my desk the last time you were in here."

Oh no... Did you seriously leave your notebook in here? That notebook was like your diary! You always wrote down how you felt in that notebook, including how you felt about the Auditor.

You immediately thought, "He's gonna kill me, isn't he? My life is over!"...... "Wh-.. What did you see..?" Your voice suddenly changed when speaking, having a nervous tone to it as you anxiously fiddled around with your hands."

"I saw... You wrote some nice things about me. A lot of nice things. Something caught my eyes though... You said you were... In love with me? Correct?"

"U-UHM..." You blurt out, completely embarrassed at the moment. "Yes sir... P-Please doesn't punish me for this! I'm sorry!" You say.

"...Pfft- Why would I punish you for this? If anything, it's a relief to hear you feel this way about me."

...WHAT??? A relief?!? Your brain immediately swarmed with confusion, completely overwhelming yourself to the point you didn't even realize he had gotten up from his chair and had walked up to you.

"Y/N, could I tell you something?"

"Huh? Wha-" You were taken aback by how close his face was to yours. You immediately started blushing as you sweat a bit from being so nervous. "You can tell me anything, sir!.. What's up..?" You said.

"You're probably asking yourself why I feel relieved to hear you have feelings for me. Well, I'll show you why I feel relieved."

Before you even had time to react, you suddenly felt his lips press up against yours. You also feel his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in closer as he kissed you. You were extremely surprised by his actions, unable to do anything as you just stood there in shock, your face completely burning red.

After a minute or two he slowly pulled away from the kiss, the Auditor's flames seemingly have grown a bit bigger than before, possibly because he was flustered.

"...Heh. I love you, Y/N."

"I-... I love you too!" You reply in a timid tone. "Gosh, that felt amazing..." You thought to yourself. "There's no way this day can get any better!" You also thought, until your train of thought suddenly got stopped by something he said.

"You know... You've been working so hard for me lately, I think I'll treat you to something special... How about we go back to your dorm room?~"

...Oh boy, this is gonna get interesting.

Auditor x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin