4. she knows!

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isaac and i opened the door and walked in to the house.

"okay you go up stairs i'll get the alcohol. i walked in the kitchen

isaac walked in "oh and no wine it's gross he said smiling

"got it no wine it's gross! i joked

he laughed and went to my room.


after maybe a few to many we were drunk.

i sat up "oh remember when we stayed up all night pulling pranks on scott? i laughed and sat beside isaac

"yeah then two years later you left without saying anything. he got up

"isaac pfft 'laughed and walked up to him

he started laughing "you're really drunk!

"you two! i'm gonna go get some more vodka.

i went to walk out of my room and scott and the others were outside the door.


"where have you two been? scott seemed upset

"here! i giggled, isaac started laughing

"are they drunk? stiles looked at us confused

"as a skunk. i laughed

scott looked down "well this is gonna be interesting.


scott and allison ended up leaving to find out more about the oni. stiles stayed and gave us a bunch of water and coffee to help sober us up i got tired and stiles helped me to my room and isaac slept on the couch.

"thanks stiles, you're like a second brother to me. i smiled and lates down

"yeah just uh get some sleep and there's water and aspirin on your table for in the morning. he put my blanket over me and left.


"sar, sarah!! i heard a voice whisper

i opened my eyes, everything was blurry.

"i-isaac? i  stuttered "what are you doing? i looked at my clock "isaac it's 1 am!

"i know i couldn't sleep. he looked at the floor 

"here. i moved over and moved my blanket "you can lay up here with me if you want!

he laid down beside me and covered up.

"thanks sar.

"for what? we looked at each other

"for always being their for me with my dad and everything. he closed his eyes

"of course. i closed my eyes and we went to sleep

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